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Thursday, 27 February 2020

9 Causes Of Frequent Urination

Most people urinate 6-7 times in 24 hours, but when it happens more than this, it is abnormal. Since urination is the way the body gets rid of waste fluids, such as excess water, toxins, and waste from the body, one can say frequent urination is a good thing but it is not.

Here are possible causes of frequent urination.

1. Anxiety

You might feel pressed more often when you are worried or anxious about something. Anxiety comes with worry, fear and excessive nervousness. This can make you go to the restroom more than normal.

2. Urinary tract infection

This is an infection of the urinary tract and it happens when bacteria invade the bladder through the urethra. Symptoms of UTI include an urge to use the restroom all the time. It comes with a burning sensation and it can be painful.

3. Medication

Some medications can trigger an overactive bladder. Medications for high blood pressure and opioids can make bladder work more than normal and this can lead to frequent urination.

4. Type 2 diabetes

Diabetes patients experience excessive thirst and the need to use the restroom more than normal. The kidney reacts by flushing excess glucose in the blood and this can result in excessive urination.

5. Kidney and bladder stones

Kidney stones can cause painful urination and it can result in blood in the urine, nausea and fever. This can leave you with the urge to urinate more often.

6. Weak pelvic floor

You might have a weak pelvic floor if you always feel like urinating when you cough, sneeze, jump, laugh or lift something heavy. Anything to stress you out results in a quick journey to the restroom. This usually happens more with women after delivery and in older women due to low estrogen levels.

7. Enlarged prostate

Men's prostate glands grow with age and this can put more pressure on the bladder. This can make you urinate more frequently.

8. Certain foods

Foods with caffeine can trigger frequent urination. Coffee, for example, is loaded with caffeine. Alcohol and soda contain caffeine and this can make you use the restroom more often.

9. Sodium intake

People who consume high sodium foods tend to urinate often. They sweat frequently, too. The body loses calcium every time you urinate. Calcium helps to build strong bones and teeth. So, losing too much calcium will also render your bones weak.

6 things you do day to day that is delaying you from progress and destiny

There are some things that we do in our life every day that is really have some sorts of bad things in our life..the six things are as stated below:

1.) Simple instruction neglected(Sin): there is no way we can do it that we wouldn't committed or sin. We committed sin every minute and as we have to know there are different kinds of Sin we have the forgivable ones and the unforgivable ones.....

a.the forgivable ones: there are some sins that are forgivable that are slight that we just know b.unforgivable ones:there are some certain things that a man can committed that it will never be forgive e.g if you dishonor your parent,homosexuality, thou shall not kill......

2). Procrastination:many really failed to this theme called procrastination,do the needful at the right time,don't procastinate anymore make a move start now

3)Pride:Don't be so full of yourself shun the spirit of pride away from your body and soul..if you are proud to see an helper wil be very hard since you continue Priding then you continue struggling the more


Lack of Patience: in everything we do patience is really needed ..it s the first thing must get at the bottom of your heart..be so very patience i n all your doings...

5)Lack of contentment

6)Lack of fear of the Almighty God

Wednesday, 26 February 2020

Use Onions To Get Pink Lips In 14 Days!


A lot of Natural and artificial remedies are out there for people who wish to obtain pink lips. 

Artificial remedies can however have adverse effects on your lips on the long run, so they are generally not advised In this article.  

What I will, however, advice you to use, is purely Natural Remedies. 

A more common remedy is the use of Lemon Juice and Honey

 However, these ingredients are not readily available to most of the general Public in Nigeria. So today I'll be showing you how to use a much more Common and Cheap natural Ingredient in Lightening your Lips within 2 weeks. 

Onions are a proven and authentic Lip Lightening agent. 

Onions can also help to make your lips soft and radiant. Mix onion juice with vitamin E oil and apply this on your lips before going to bed. Do this for at least one day each week for the period of one month, or three times a week for the period of Two weeks to get healthy, pink and pout-worthy lips!

7 common foods that help slow the ageing process

0:47 AM

The fight against ageing has been around since time immemorial, and though we can turn to expensive creams and treatments, you might be surprised to find out that your pantry contains foods that have anti-ageing components.

Maintain that youthful glow with these anti-aging foods
Maintain that youthful glow with these anti-aging foods

Here are just some of these anti-ageing foods:

1. Avocados

Avocados contain potent anti-ageing properties in their flesh and oil. According to My Domaine, it’s a great source of vitamin E, which everyone knows is great for your skin. In addition, its fat content keeps your skin smooth, moisturized, and supple.

2. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C, which helps produce collagen—what keeps your skin looking firm, reports The Huffington Post. The lycopene in tomatoes also prevents sun damage and helps with your circulatory system.

3. Oats

Complex carbohydrates like oats are low-glycemic, which means they don’t spike your blood sugar and cause acne and wrinkles, dermatologist Dr. Debra Jaliman tells WebMD. Oats also prevents skin damage and helps soothe irritated skin.

7 common foods that help slow the ageing process

Here are more anti-ageing foods

4. Spinach

As Fitness Magazine reports, spinach is rich in beta-carotene and lutein, which help keep the skin elastic. Spinach also contains phytonutrients that help prevent sun damage.

5. Salmon

According to Today.com, fatty fish like salmon or sardines have omega-3 fats that help keep your heart and nervous system healthy. Omega-3 fats also keep your skin and hair healthy.

6. Dark chocolate

Go ahead and indulge. As long as your chocolate is made of at least 70% cocoa, a few bites of chocolate can actually help your health. Chocolate is rich in protein and B vitamins, according to

Marie Claire. Chocolate improves the health of your skin and hair, and can actually help you burn fat!

7. Eggplant

Eggplant gets its colour from nasunin, which also gives it its anti-ageing properties, reports Oprah.com. Nasunin helps keep cancerous cells at bay and also keeps your neurons healthy, slowing the development of Alzheimer’s

1o things you must sacrifice, if you want to be rich fast


1o things you must sacrifice, if you want to be rich fast:

Or let me say 10 things I sacrificed in other to be rich, when I was 20 even thou I was born by poor parents I decided to be a million and this keys helps me out.

1. Sacrifice The Shinning Objects 

For more than 10 years after I made the decision to be rich I never buy any shinning objects, I didn’t use latest phones, TV, clothes or shoes I bought nothing except it was very important for my existence or business, my dear about money is make it invest most of it and manage anything that remains, I have days when I and my wife will be broke, even thou we are making more money than most people we were broke because we invest almost everything we earn.

I won’t tell you it was easy but it was a sacrifice that worth it, would you rather be a lion one day and be respected all your life or will you be a sheep without an honor, would you rather sacrifice those new clothes, phones, shoes. TV set now or be an average Man for the rest of your life?

ROBERT KIYOSAKI said: Rich people buy luxuries last while poor people buy luxuries first”.

If you want to be rich you must be discipline enough to sacrifice the shinning objects, invest significant percentage of your income and manage whatever remains

2. Sacrifice The Friendship With Poor People 

I decided long ago never to be friends with poor people, and what I mean by poor here aren’t those that has no money, the truly poor people are those who are not ambitious, if you hanged out with people who are not ambitious you won’t be ambitious, if hanged out with people who make excuses you will end up making excuses, if you hanged out with people who expect the economy to be better before they rich you do the same, let go of negative people, surround yourself with positive and ambitious people and you will be rich because they will encourage you to dream big in life.  

3. Sacrifice The Social Media And TV

I never bought a TV set during my youthful age aaaahhh!!!, I had only one social media account which I got deleted last year in November and today I use social media only for business, and here is the reason today social media like the TV is very interesting, if you want to be rich you will be careful with things that are too interesting because if anything is too interesting and doesn’t give you money its taking away money from you, the reason why can spend seven hours in front of the TV set is because it’s interesting, the reason why you can check your Instagram and Facebook profile 10 times a day is because it’s interesting, the problem with this is that the real thing is bitter if you want to be rich you have to spend your time doing difficult things not enjoying sweet things actions if difficult and bitters but that’s what you have to do, do I mean you should delete all your social media profile NO, do I mean you should reduce the time you spend on social media and TV set YES if you want to be rich.

4. Sacrifice Some Sleep

Am not talking about the bulshit of waking up early here nobody needs to wake up 05:00am or 05:30am as a role, the role of the front is simple you need to sleep later than most people or wake up earlier than most people, am not advocating that you should sleep only 3 hours but I don’t think you need to sleep 9 hours neither you have to sacrifice some sleep. 

5. Sacrifice The Blame Game

I grow up in a society where most people blame the government, economy or their parents for their poverty, however when I was around 17 years old I decided to stop that nonsense, blaming other people for your situations makes you happy because you have the feeling after all is not your fault, the problem with this mind set is that since you think it’s not your fault you also think someone else should help you out maybe the government, your parents or the economy am sorry nobody is going to help you to become rich if you want to be the rich you sacrifice the pleasure you gaining for blaming other people then you take 100% responsibility for your life get out and get your hands dirty.

6. Sacrifice Your Fear Of Loosing 

The day I was going fully into the business world was very remarkable I was afraid yes but I knew I could do something very useful with my life, at some point am not sure I could succeed but I told myself I would rather die now than to leave my life as a poor person, if you want to be reach you will be crazy enough to let go of your failing, the truth is weather you step out or not you fail, because failure is part of life, why going through life with fear when you can face your fear? 

7. Sacrifice Your Impatience

You cannot have a baby next month by impregnating 9 women today” (Godwin Ochuko) that’s true, good things always takes time most of the overnight success you see actually happens over thousands of nights, you can be rich but it won’t happen over next month it may not even happen next year stop been impatience, stop looking for get rich quick, stop looking for shortcut because it usually leads to a longer journey. 

8. Give Up Your Low Self-Esteem

The evidence that you can achieve something is the fact that many people who was born in similar situation like you have achieve such a thing, low self-esteem is when you think you not capable of becoming rich, low self-esteem is when you think that someone is capable of stopping you, low self-esteem is when you pity yourself, low self-esteem is when you think you can’t be rich when the economy is bad. Sacrifices that, give it up pick up the new you, you who is powerful enough to change the world.

9. Give Up Your Hatred For Books

I started reading financial books when I was around 17 and I never stopped since then, listen school won’t teach you on how to be rich unfortunately because financial education isn’t part of our school curriculum, the only teachers you can depend on for your financial freedom are those who have made good money. You need a miracle to be rich if you don’t read financial books written by people who has become rich, am sorry give up your hatred for financial books because reading financial books can change your life. 

10. Give Up The Easy Life 

In all, in all the dream of easy life is a meth. Life isn’t easy and its not going to be, am sorry give up the hope of easy life, give up the expectation that you should be rich easily. Be willing to pay the price or you won’t get rich


Monday, 24 February 2020

Things You Must Do To Be Successful In Life. A Must Read Article.

Success plays a key role in the journey of life. But there are many obstacles and challenges that comes which may bring a slowly growth to success. There are 7 things you must do to make it in life( be successful).

1. Visualize your success.

Dream of success, have vision for success. The more vision you have, the more successful you become.

2. Maintain a daily routine.

Yes, To succeed, you must plan. A fail to plan is a plan to fail. Set a plan and procedures for yourself, maintain it and follow it.

3. Obstacles are to be defeated.

Many obstacles will come, but you must overcome them. Be bold and strong to defeat obstacles. That's the key to success. If you're afraid of obstacles, then you won't be successful, but if you wage a war against any obstacles that comes your way, then Success is knocking at your door.

4. A healthy mind in a healthy body.

Have your own mind. Never listen to wrong advices from your friends and relatives, they will mislead you. Be determined, your determination will lead you to your justification and success.

5. Hope to endure when passing through difficult times.

Be optimistic, have the hope of greater future. Yes, difficult time will come, but have the hope to conquer them.

6. Patience is a virtue and one that should be used.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, but endurance is the way. Be patient, never be in haste, good things will surely come. Endure.

7. Use your time as the valuable resource that it is.

Time is very precious, and a stitch in time saves nine. Never waste your time. Make use of your time. And by doing all this you will be successful.

Success is sure. Amen.

Do these four things repeatdly and you will see natural blessings on your finance, and marital life

The first point to consider is DEW, yes you heard me, early morning dew. When water is placed at night and it stays there till the next morning, the dew falling inside it in the middle of the night attract a lot of natural blessing.

According to research from Pastor's, Imma, Traditionalist, Professor, Astrologist near me, It was gather from my research that when dew is mixed for bathing or drinking every morning, this attractive a lot of natural blessing.

Place a small cup filled with water

Why don't you start using dew right now and see the turn around because it attract 100% natural blessings.

The second one the list is Palm oil.

A lot of people don't know aside from palm oil having a healthy benefit to human consumption, its still serve as a source of natural blessing, when apply in the right process.

In the 60's century, many great people use palm oil for many things, when the physician maybe the herbalist performance operation or sacrifice to their god or goddess, a lot of palm oil are considered to be used for this process.

Palm oil can be used for snakes bite, scorpion bite, and it can be used as remedy for drinking of harmful substance when the right process is applied in the 60's till date.

So how to use palm oil to attract physical blessings.

Split a bit of palm oil on your palms with a little sheet butter, rub effectively on your head, keep doing this for one month and you will start seeing the positive difference, aside from the fact that it will defend you from evil doors, it will always attract more natural blessings.

Why not try this two method and see the turn around in all areas of my life.

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15 Profitable Businesses You Can Start With Just ₦70K In Nigeria

Business Plan Outline your goals, target customers, marketing strategies, expenses, and projections to provide direction for your business. ...

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