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Saturday, 4 January 2020

If you want to be tall, these 4 foods must be in your diet, (3 & 4 is a must)

There's no lie about the numerous advantages your height can get you, in fact a tall figure gets you a lot of attention from the opposite sex. Of course tall guys are naturally loved by all and on the flip side, tall girls can even have better career prosoects, like modeling.

But sadly not everybody gets to be the tall one. In essence some of us actually need to figure out how to increase our height a few inches. Well if your looking for a way to get tall you can actually eat your way to reach your destined height. Here are the 4 foods that increase your chances of getting taller naturally.

1. Milk
This is basically one food full of nutrients that help to build bones and a majority of body cells. It contains calcium, Protein, Vitamin B12 and Vitamin D. Daily intake of at least 2 glasses of milk everyday and your body will thank you!

2. Oatmeal
Think your protein level is not adequate? Just eat oatmeal. You might not know, but daily intake if oatmeal works wonders and yes it makes you taller. And not just that, oatmeal facilitates weight loss, keeps your heart healthy and also build muscle mass.

3. Eggs
Ah eggs! What would we do without them? Eggs are great for everything and are excellent for overall growth.
Eggs are highly nutritious, they contain extremely large amounts of omega-3 fatty acid and Vitamin A, a nutrient that's essential for bone growth. But hey! make sure you stick to only boiled eggs. Make eggs your friends today.

4. Beans
Last but not least Beans. Loaded with protein, fiber, minerals and Vitamins, beans is definitely something you'll want to add to your diet today. They have what it takes to stimulate growth hormones and make you grow taller.

5 Food That will Increase Your Brain Memory, If You Are Eating It Every Day.

Did you recognize that what you consume and swallow can transform your exam review? What remains the soundest nutrition to serve on exam day? Can diet and liquid modify your test rates? In our frequently health-conscious society, parents and scholars are exploring the solutions to these significant problems.
We all believe that a good pre-exam menu will provide us with an added point throughout exam time, and in particular, it can. Thus, here are the 5 brain foods which are essential for everyone to consume before going to the exam hall. Read on to know more.

1. Apples
It is said that “An apple a day, keeps the doctor away“. Well, it is certainly in this particular case when it comes to improving your brain health. Apples include high amounts of acetylcholine brain food, improving mobility and conscious perception. Apples further decrease anxiety. Another research revealed pupils who consume an apple at lunch display as much as a 7 point improvement in test rates throughout afternoon exams.
2. Yogurt
Ever possess a gut response? That’s the billions of bacteria within your gut lresponding to what’s occurring. When the beneficial bacteria remain in custody, you feel great, have power, and digest meals without problems. When the damaging bacteria remain in custody, you are exhausted, vomiting, have nausea, and depress.
3. Blueberries
Blueberries are known as the favorite of the fruit world. Blueberries remain nature’s brain units. There are further antioxidants into 1 blueberry than into 1 super-packed supplement. These nutrients within blueberries dispense the capability to greatly enhance memory, decision making, verbal comprehension, and numerical ability.
4. Turmeric
Turmeric remains a robust antioxidant that has remained widely perceived to help simply regarding everything from weakness to melanoma. Several modern investigations designate it remains a neuroprotective representative concerning a wide variety of neurological ailments, including Alzheimer’s, narcolepsy, and tumors. Make certain you prepare the curries by actual turmeric. Some apply a chemical replacement that feels like turmeric but produces liver impairment.
5. Nuts
There are various nuts plus they are all great for you. Stuffed with fats, nutrients, and a little dose of carbs, these nuts are nature’s power units. They are simple to consume, easy to combine into other wholesome meals, and readily portable.

These 7 Things are Making You Poor But Painfully You Didn't Realize It

There are many habits and practices that we don't pay attention to and yet they are making our lives almost impossible and difficult by constantly sucking our money away.

As we have come into the new year, we ought to find ways to become better than we were last year. This must be in all ramifications, especially in things that involve our finances.

The following are some of the habits or items that are robbing you of financial freedom. This is why you need to take note of them and do something tangible to change the situation.

1.. Soft drinks: there are some people who cannot do a day without taking soft drinks. This habit has become so part of them that they are spending thousands every week on drinks without their realizing it.
If soft drinks hold you a captive through habit, you may find it very difficult to break away, except through enough strong will power. Keep a track of the amount you are spending on soft drinks weekly, monthly and even yearly. You will be shocked by how much it tallies to be.

If you are convinced that you are spending too much on drinks,then you must strive hard to reduce your expenses or completely root out the habit of taking soft drinks everytime entirely.You can save up the money for drinks and put into something that can yield reasonable return.This will make you a master of your finances.
2. Partying : another common trend among people of African culture and other cultures. 

There is no way you will sign up to go for any party without you spending some money to meet up.

If you are partying, especially among most Nigerians (the Yorubas especially), you will see that there is always a group outfit that must be worn by everyone attending this party. The more of this you attend, the more money you spend buying clothes and this will directly and indirectly tell on your finances.
If you want to save tangibly this year, you need to wisely cut off this trend in your lifestyle.

3. Eating out: some people are so fond of not cooking in their homes.
It is so bad to the point that there are some people who cannot even cook noodles, let alone cook rice.

You must stop this in 2020 if you want to be relevant financially. Eating in the restaurant is good but if your salary or income is not big enough, you should avoid it completely. This may even mean getting married (just saying though) if you are a bachelor.

4. Lack negotiating skills: don't be the kind of person that buy things for what it's called (there are exceptions of course...Don't go around haggling the price of onions and tomatoes though..lol).
There are many things you need to haggle their prices.

The skill of negotiations is a skill you must have. Tell people you can't pay the exact amount they call whatever tangible goods you are buying. This is a science of managing money.

You will be surprised that most things being sold to you at a particular amount are worth half the prices they were sold to you.

This is a new year. Beat down prices of whatever item you are buying and save the money gained somewhere and you will be surprised how much it can amount to in December of thisear.

5. Impulsive buying: don't buy what you don't need!
There are many people who don't plan their purchases and they just see something and there they go, they want it and they must have it.

If you engage in impulsive buying all the time, people can easily rip you off what you have and in essence cheat you.
Anytime you buy what you don't need, one day you will sell what you need to meet up unplanned needs. So, in 2020, be careful what you spend you excess cash on.

6. Showing off: it is true that showing off is something that is inborn in many of us. And you do everything within your capacity to limit or stop it.

Someone once said that, "we buy things we don't need to impress people we don't like and who don't give a damn about us".
You see, stop trying to impress people at every cost. You will only end up harming yourself. What can you do with that little money you didn't spend on buying that latest shoe or bag to impress others? There are many things of course.

7. Retail purchases: it is true that the ones who purchase items one by one is far paying more than the one who decides to buy in bulk.

Why do we get discounts for buying higher number of items? It is because the seller want to sell more items within a short period of time.

The penalty for not buying more is to pay more on the single ones you are buying every time.

Watch out for retail purchases. Buy in bulk and keep the money you gain somewhere and watch how much that will translate to in a year.

Friday, 3 January 2020

, šŸ˜. Simple Ways To Stand Firm During Spiritual Attacks That Make Devils Powerless.

❤.  Do you know how to stand firm during spiritual attacks? I have 5 tips to help you fight back, straight from the book of Job.
“So Satan left the Lord’s presence, and he struck Job with terrible boils from head to foot.” Job 2:7

šŸ’‹. The Purposes of Spiritual Attacks
The more you do to advance God’s kingdom and display his glory, the more you can expect vicious, cruel and dirty spiritual attacks from an enemy who hates you with dark malice. I’m sure he’ll be spitting in my face just for publishing this post today.

šŸ’‹. When you are attacked, it truly wounds your spirit. That’s the point. Defeat you or disable you so you can do less in service to God and others. But that’s exactly when you need to stand firm in your faith, to prove that nothing can take down a devoted Jesus follower.

šŸ’‹. If any person in history deserves the unwanted prize of “Most Suffering from a Spiritual Attack,” it’s Job. This righteous, godly man did nothing to warrant losing everything he valued. Graciously, God gives us a behind-the-scenes glimpse into Job’s story. The real battle was between God and Satan, not between Job and the nebulous powers of “fate.”

5 Ways to Stand Firm During Spiritual Attacks
We can learn several powerful lessons from Job’s spiritual attack that will help us stand firm in our own struggles.

1.    God is in perfect control.
God allowed and controlled everything that happened to Job. This is a hard truth to accept. God knew beforehand that Job would lose his wealth, children and health, and still allowed the spiritual attack. He knows the heartbreaking losses you will suffer too. What matters most is that God completely controlled the timing, level and duration of Job’s losses. He does the same with yours.

2.   Our suffering glorifies God.
All of heaven’s angels were watching Job’s spiritual attack with great interest. They are watching yours too. In ways we will not understand until we get to heaven, some of our suffering is primarily intended for a heavenly audience. God gets a special kind of glory when we still choose him despite our suffering. He is certainly glorified on earth when we make that choice, but it also matters in the unseen spiritual realm in ways we can’t fathom.

3.   We can issue as many complaints as we wish to God himself.
God doesn’t expect us to enjoy the suffering of spiritual attacks. The majority of the book of Job records his laments. He gets raw and gritty with God, demanding to know why he was even born. This is not sugar-coated, surface-level faith. This is real, vulnerable belief that bares itself before the creator of the universe. God seems to crave (and reward) this kind of honesty; I know this firsthand. As long as we vent our complaints heavenward, we won’t overburden our loved ones (though sharing with a few supportive friends is definitely therapeutic). We’ll also cultivate a stronger relationship with God in the process.

4.   We can praise God during spiritual attacks.
One of the most affirming, faith-filled verses in the Bible comes from Job, when he was still laying in ashes and scraping his infested boils with a pottery shard. This broken man said, “But as for me, I know that my Redeemer lives, and he will stand upon the earth at last.” (Job 19:25 NLT). He had longed for a mediator (16:21) and predicted the coming of the ultimate Mediator, Jesus Christ. His praise during suffering is inspiration for all of us.

5.   God always wins.
At the end of Job’s story, God blessed Job for completely trusting God through a time of unprecedented (and still unmatched) suffering. He proved the enemy wrong, as he wants to do in your story. He will reign victorious over your spiritual attacks if you depend on him to equip, empower, strengthen and comfort you.

See How To Communicate With Your Guardian Angel.

As a believer in the supernatural, as a firm believer in the realm beyond, it is basically with no doubt impossible to talk or even think about the spiritual without mentioning or extending our thoughts to the existence of angels.

šŸ’‹. Over the years, humans have found comfort believing that winged beings with supernatural strength and beautiful countenance exist to help them through the toughest situations of life. Belief in the existence of demons, mostly represented in our hard times, have facilitated the our believe in angels. After all, it is not an interesting belief if it is one sided.
The existence of angels have been properly and emphatically discussed in the Bible. From the existence of the fallen angels, one of which is Lucifer, To the angels like Michael, Gabriel, the arch angels. We have been fed with the truth of their existence that it almost seem our lives are intertwined.

Stories like that of Daniel have given us a clue to the answer of wether or not our lives are intertwined. From the scriptures, there is an interesting answer to this question. It seems, that our lives are surprisingly linked. It seems, that we are assigned an angel immediately we were conceived and it has nothing to do with wether we believe or not.

Matthew 18:10 says;
See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven.

So, the theory of guardian angels is true, a true concept indeed. Angels are assigned to each human being as soon as they are conceived. Slow down, I know you are excited.
We all have angels and their numbers vary from person to person. Some have one, some have two, some have three and some are blessed with thousands.
When Jesus was being captured, he said something very interesting;

Do you think I cannot call on my Father, and he will at once put at my disposal more than twelve legions of angels?
The number of angels jesus mentioned was probably the number of angels assigned to him. Jesus has thousands of angels assigned to him, it wasn’t just the usual one guardian angel it was thousands.

Similar thing happened with Elisha;
And Elisha prayed, "Open his eyes, LORD, so that he may see." Then the LORD opened the servant's eyes, and he looked and saw the hills full of horses and chariots of fire all around Elisha. 2kings 6:2.

Now, if we have angels, warriors around us at every moment. Beings with immense power around us, I think the question is, could we send them on errands, could we send them to fight for us, to watch over the ones we love or comfort us in our hard times.
What I have noticed is, with the right spiritual connection, one can send his/her angels on errands In the name of Jesus.
Your angel(s) assigned to you will listen to you if you have a standing relationship with them. A lot of people do not believe in the concept of guardian angels and so these angels, have little or no participation in their lives.

 šŸ’‹. The right spiritual connection gives you a connection to everything attached to you. You can call your angels and know their names if you create a thick bond between you and these angels. After all, they are there for you, they are to be your friends and your family. 

šŸ’‹. What point is there to friendship or family without a bond or connection. You can have conversations with your angels if you decide to. There is absolutely no limit to the bond you can create. Your angels are up to protect you and can go on errands like making supplications for you, if you talk to them in the name of Jesus.

... The Importance of Saving Money...

We save, basically, because we can't predict the future. Saving money can help you become financially secure and provide a safety net in case of an emergency.

Here are a few reasons why we save:

Emergency cushion - This could be any number of things: a new roof for your house, out-of-pocket medical expenses, or sudden loss of income. You will need money set aside for these emergencies to avoid going into debt to pay for your necessities.

Retirement – If you intend to retire someday, you will probably need savings and/or investments to take the place of the income you'll no longer get from your job.

Average Life Expectancy – With more advances in medicine and public health, people are now living longer and needing more money to get by.

Volatility of Social Security – Social Security was never intended to be the primary source of income and should be treated as a supplement to income.

Education - The costs for private and public education are rising every year and it's getting tougher to meet these demands.

Without money put away in savings and/or investments, you open yourself up to other risks as well. 
šŸ’‹. For example, not having enough money to pay for emergency dental care may force you into taking a loan that your savings might otherwise have covered.

šŸ’‹. How much can you potentially save?
It’s important that you develop a budget using your net income as it reflects your take home pay after taxes and dedications.
šŸ’‹.  A common mistake people make is developing a budget off of their gross income. It’s a mistake because you're budgeting money you never possessed. Remember your potential savings is the difference between your net income and your expenses.

When developing a saving plan ask yourself these questions:

❤. Are there any variable expenses that you can reduce or eliminate?
Is there anything you spend money on that you could eliminate and apply towards saving?

Tips for saving money:

šŸ’‹. Save windfall income – Any unexpected money such as income tax return money.
Collect loose change and deposit it in the bank – Use a piggy bank and deposit its contents when its full.

❤. Try frugality – Purchase cheaper off brand items and save money.
Break a habit – Try doing one less thing you expensive venture a week and apply that money to your savings.

❤. Save lunch money – According to a study by Forbes Magazine, Americans on average spend $1000 annually on going out to lunch. Bring your lunch to work and invest that $1000 in yourself.

Have a “buy nothing week”.
Compare costs of major items before purchasing anything – Do your due diligence, shop around before making major purchases.
Use coupons – Coupons are a great way to reduce living expenses.

Thursday, 2 January 2020

4 Powerful Ways to Build Your Self-Discipline.

We have one time in our lives encountered someone with exceptional self-discipline, or have read of it. They wake up early in the morning to meditate and plan out their day, exercise for a couple of minutes, and fix breakfast before they head out for the day. They never waste time, and their achievements are amazing.

šŸ’‹. Now take a look at yourself. Here you are, sitting on a couch all day, surfing the internet, reading online news, playing candy crush, and eating every cereal you can lay your hands on. Is this really the life you want to live?

šŸ’‹. To become a more self-disciplined person is the key to success in achieving your goals and ambitions in both your professional and personal life. Here are four (4) ways to help you become more self-disciplined than you are now.

1. One Step at a Time
People tend to make resolutions on New Year's Day: they say it's going to be different this year. Okay, this year you can make it different, but you don't have to change it all at once. For best results, pick just one thing.

You can overwhelm yourself with too many changes to make at once. This will negate your plan of becoming a more self-disciplined person.

2. Recognise What You Want to Do Differently
If your focus is on fitness, choose something that's realistic and that's going to make a real difference in your life, and be sure you enjoy it. That might be going to the gym, going up the stairs instead of taking the elevator or restricting the ice cream you're having.

šŸ’‹. Ask what would make a difference if you want your career to be better and more successful. Look at the performance of people with the work you're looking for. What do they do differently than you? Arrive early? Do they reply within an hour to all emails? Find the features you're lacking, pick an important one and build on that.

3. Settle on Choices in Advance
Choose to leave your phone at your desk if your intention is to pay attention in meetings. Don't put it in your pocket either. If it isn't there, you can't play with it.
If you want to become more self-disciplined with food, choose to consume only half of your meal at all times.

šŸ’‹. If you want to get on top of your emails, determine how many emails you're going to respond to before you do anything else, whether it's 5, 10, or all. Just decide before the situation presents itself and it will be much easier for you to stay vigilant in the face of distractions.

4. Remember That Failure is Part of the Process
Most people want to become self-disciplined and then make a mistake on the second day and give up. You're not going to become fully organized overnight, so expect some regression to occur along the way. But, if you plan for it, and you understand from time to time that you will fail. One mistake on your way to success will not derail your entire plan.

šŸ’‹. Simultaneously, you need to rejoice when you achieve success. You've achieved all the targets you set this week for yourself. Reward yourself and celebrate in such a way that your success will not be compromised.

šŸ’‹. Don't worry about perfection at once in all areas, and don't worry about failure, just worry about getting better today than last week.

Gradually, in that one area you will become more organized and then you can move on to the next.

Best Ways to Get Pink Lips Within 2 Days

Lips are most sensitive part of our skin.Lips skin is very soft and thinner then other skin.Every one want his lips soft and pink.We have to take care of lips to get pink and soft lips.Sometimes due to illness, dry atmosphere and dehydration and dead skin cells make our lips rough and patchy and if we try to remove this skin or patches the results are lips itching ,some times bleeding.It is also painful and irritating situation.Our lips beauty also damage which effects on our looks.

Today I am going to share a very easy method for lips care.I will use all natural ingredients in it.When you use this remedy you will see the results.Your lips become soft shinny and pink.Skin patches and dead skin cells remove easily.
You Need,
Honey        1/2  teaspoon
Coconut Oil  1 teaspoon
Sugar        1 teaspoon

How To   prepare. ,
Take a small clean bowl.
Add coconut oil and honey in it.
Mix very well to make one color solution.
Now add sugar in this solution.
Mix very well.
Your lips care remedy is ready to use.

How To Use,
Apply this paste on your lips.
Masssage gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
Wash your lips with normal water.
Use once daily for required results.

Reality of life that normally leads to downfall of a man

Most downfalls of men are caused by MULTIPLE girlfriends. Sex is a spiritual encounter I stand to be corrected, not every girl has a good spirit, some are demon, some has poison in between their legs, some are killers and destiny destroyers, be careful. A man who can control his sexual urge is a man who can live many years one earth. 

1. Having many girlfriends does not make you a man. It only makes you a womanizer, a cheat and a boy.

2. A real man has only one woman in his life.

3. For the fact that you are good in bed does not make you a man. A real man is the man who does not run away from his responsibility but faces it squarely.

4. You don't need to sag your trousers and walk round the street before girls will love you. Infact it is only small boys that sag trousers and it is premature little girls that fall in love with men who sag trousers.

5. Don't use and dump ladies. Remember the law of karma. Whatever you do, you will receive the reward.

6. If you cannot make her your wife, don't make her a mother. If she can't be your wife don't sleep with her.

7. Do not obey your erection at all times. Most times our erections mislead us to the wrong direction. Control your erection. Don't let your erection control you. If you don't you will have few days on earth with much poverty on you. You may insult me but it doesn't matter to me now, because am done telling you this.

8. It is not everything you see under skirt that you should hustle to eat, some skirts contain snakes that will bite you and leave you uncomfortable. Control your sex urge. Self control and abstinence in most cases pays a lot.

9. Do not date a lady because she has sexy curves, boobs and shapes. Those things are just packaging; and packaging can be very deceptive avoid such.

10. Respect any lady that loves you. Yes, its not easy for a lady to throw her love on you and support your future.

11. Do not beat any woman, even if she is not your wife.

12. Real man learn how to keep secret, not all that happens in your home that you turn to discussion outside with friends or family.BE THE REAL MAN TODAY....LOVES.

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Top 10 Skills That Will Land You High-Paying jobs

Professional development: it's not always clear what to focus on. Should you go to a coding bootcamp? Invest in a social media marketing course? Attend a communications training? What should you do to help you excel in your current job -- or prepare you for your next one?.

In a world increasingly dominated by robots, artificial intelligence, and virtual reality, having a firm grasp of what employers will be looking for is smart. Interestingly, more than 33% of the skill sets listed are not yet considered important by employers. They may not be on their radar now--but they will be.

The top 10 skills that will be most desired by employers in 2020:

10. Cognitive flexibility
This involves creativity, logical reasoning, and problem sensitivity. It also means being able to adapt how you communicate based on who you're talking to. Employers want to know you don't just say the same thing to everyone -- that you think critically about who you're talking to, deeply listen, and tailor communication to that person.

9. Negotiation skills
This will be in especially high demand in computer and math jobs, such as data analysis and software development. It will also be critical in the arts and design (including commercial and industrial designers).

8. Service orientation
This was defined as actively seeking ways to help others. How much do you assist those on your team, your superiors, and people across your industry? How much are you known for that?

7. Judgment and decision-making
As organizations collect more and more data, there will be an even greater need for workers who can analyze it and use it to make intelligent decisions. Good judgment also involves knowing how to get buy-in from a colleague, or making a strong suggestion to a manager (even if it might not make you popular).

6. Emotional intelligence
Robots can do a lot, but they still can't read people the way other humans can (at least not yet). Employers will place a strong emphasis on hiring those who are aware of others' reactions, as well as their own impact on others.

5. Coordinating with others
Again, this falls under the social skills umbrella (sensing a trend?). It involves being able to collaborate, adjust in relation to others, and be sensitive to the needs of others.

4. People management
In the report, this included being able to motivate people, develop the talents and skills of employees, and pick the best people for a job. This will be especially in demand for managers in the media and energy industries.

3. Creativity
In 2015, creativity ranked 10th on the list. It's now one of the top three skills employers will seek. Why? Because as we're bombarded by new technologies, employers want creative people who can apply that tech to new products and services.

2. Critical thinking
As automation increases, the need for humans who can employ logic and reasoning increases. This is, in part, because machines must be directed ethically and optimally. Employers want people with critical minds who can evaluate the uses or abuses of the power of technology, and use them to benefit the company, the people in it, and the future.

1. Complex problem-solving
Technology can make life easier, but it can also make things more complicated. For example, you could use wearables to help map the walking patterns of nurses and doctors in a hospital to see how to make things more efficient. But without a human being analyzing those results while also having intelligent conversations with nurses, doctors, and patients, you will likely end up with a wrong or even dangerous result.

Tuesday, 31 December 2019


Seems thrilling, innit? Such plenty of exciting opportunities to grasp and all it takes to seize one is to send a good CV.
You’ve found this dream job. You know you’d be a perfect fit. You send your CV and you breathlessly wait for the call-back. But it never happens.
Sound familiar? Yeah, it does for most of us. But how’s that possible?
Why, I happen to know the answer to that:
Your CV has never been read. It wasn’t good enough.

Take heart, this nightmare scenario isn’t unfolding ever again. That’s cause you’re about to learn a surefire way to transform your run-of-the-mill CV into a fab one.
Read this guide and you’ll see:
A CV sample better than 9 out of 10 other CVs.

How to write a curriculum vitae even if you have no experience.
Tips and examples of how to put skills and achievements on a perfect CV.
How to describe your experience on a CV to get any job you want.

What is a CV?
In its full form, CV stands for curriculum vitae (latin for: course of life). In the US, Canada, and Australia, a CV is a document you use for academic purposes. The US academic CV outlines every detail of your scholarly career. In other countries, CV is an equivalent of an American resume . You use it when you apply for jobs.
Because this document is named differently across different countries

Sample CV Format
1. CV Header with Contact Information
2. Personal Profile: CV Objective or CV Summary
3. Work Experience
4. Education
5. Skills
6. Additional Sections

Job Alert: Mass Recruitment Of Graduates In Various Disciplines.

1) Job Title: Site Engineer
Location: Lagos

Job Descriptions
We are looking to hire a well-organized Site Engineer with strong leadership skills to join our company.

Responsibilities include managing different parts of construction projects, supervising crew members, preparing estimates for time and material costs, completing quality assurance, observing health and safety standards, and compiling reports for different stakeholders.

You should be able to work alongside various professionals and create work schedules that meet deadlines.
Ideal candidate will demonstrate strong analytical and logical thinking skills and also display a superb work ethic and thrive under pressure.

Organizing materials and ensuring sites are safe and clean.
Preparing cost estimates and ensuring appropriate materials and tools are available.
Providing technical advice and suggestions for improvement on particular projects.
Diagnosing and troubleshooting equipment as required.
Negotiating with suppliers and vendors to ensure the best contracts.
Authorizing technical drawings and engineering plans.

Drawing up work schedules and communicating any adjustments to crew members and clients.
Gathering data, compiling reports, and delivering presentations to relevant stakeholders.

Delegating tasks and scheduling meetings and training sessions where required.
Completing quality assurance and providing feedback to the team.

Bachelor's degree in Engineering, Construction or similar.
A driver's license.
Experience in a similar role.
Sound knowledge of Engineering, construction, and design.
Great leadership and organizational skills.
Superb project management skills.
Ability to apply logical and critical thinking skills to projects.
Great written and verbal communication skills.
A willingness to learn.
Application Closing Date
31st January, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed CV to: akinkunbinigerialimited@gmail.com using the "Job title" as subject of the email.

2) Job Title: Account Analyst
Location: Lagos. 

Job Description
We are looking for a smart Account Analyst. Qualified applicant will perform the following duties:
Work concurrently with the Accountant.
Account support role and manage Software account as well as managing petty cash disbursement .

OND / HND / BA / BSC holder in related courses,
Excellent communication skill,
Excellent knowledge of MS package
At least 1 year experience.
Application Closing Date
15th January, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to: careers@cmyk-ng.com using the "Job title" as subject of the email.

3) Job Title: Human Resource Officer
Location: Ogun

Job Description
Oversees and administers day-to-day activities of the office and systems which ensure productive and efficient office operation.
First level screening for recruitment at all levels.
Follow up with all the recruitment vendors , candidates before joining.
Maintaining employee file and ensure proper documentation is done as per the SOP.
Timely updation of the employee records in their respective files.
Calculating overtime, shift payments and pay increases
Updating the employee attendance on a daily basis.
Solve IR related issues at the shop floor.
Perform other admin related duties as required.
Application Closing Date
7th January, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should forward their Applications and CV (MS Word format) to: adesegun.smith@flexfilm.com , avinash.kumar1@flexfilm.com using the "Job title" as subject of the email.

4) Job Title: IT Consultant
Location: Lagos
Job Descriptions

We are looking for technology specialists who are creative problem solvers for the position of IT Consultant.
Analyzing a company's IT system and infrastructure.
Diagnosing IT system problems, inefficiencies and weaknesses.
Planning a timeline for completion of projects.
Understanding a client's business needs.
Implementing a technological solution to meet business needs.
Analyzing and determining security threats.
Providing advice on technology best practices.
Collaborating with technical in-house team to ensure familiarity with technology.
Producing detailed reports on the efficacy of the technology.

Degree in Computer Science, Information Systems or related field.
MBA advantageous.
Proficiency with database languages.
Excellent written and verbal communication.
Good interpersonal skills.
Creative problem-solving skills.
Analytical mindset.

Good time management and organizational skills.
Application Closing Date
31st January, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send a detailed CV to: akinkunbinigerialimited@gmail.com using the "Job title" as subject of the email.

5) Job Title: Male Operation Officer
Location: Lagos
Applicant must be a Male who has the experience of working in an hotel.
He must possess either HND/BSc.
Application Closing Date
10th January, 2020.

How to Apply
Interested and qualified candidates should send their CV to: boxresidence01@gmail.com clearly indicating the " Male Operation Officer " as the subject of your mail.

Egg yolk and vaseline: Your onetime face cleansing and anti-aging formula; see how to use.

If there's one part of the human body that people care about the most, it's the human face. But why? It's majorly because the face is where one's beauty lies, it's the first place onlookers and admirers glare at before moving their gaze and attention to other parts of the body. Little wonder why people of different race look for the best care and treatment for their face, to give it that perfect glow.
Egg yolk and vaseline face aging remedy

Egg yolk contains vitamin A which helps to 
 control the drying and flaking of the skin and gives it maximum. It also contains astringent properties which helps to shrink the skin and also reduces sagging, thereby reducing aging. 

Vaseline jelly (petroleum jelly) when applied on the skin has a protective effect and serves as a barrier between the skin and the elements without damaging the skin.
How to use Egg yolk and vaseline as your onetime aging remedy
Materials needed:
Egg yolk
•Vaseline (preferably, Blueseal)
• clean container
• stirrer (like a spoon handle)

-Firstly, get a clean container for mixing
-Put some quantity on Vaseline inside depending on the amount you need
-break an egg, drain out the egg white and put the egg yolk inside the container
-mix well
Your face cleansing and ageless glow formula is ready
-now apply like a mask all over your face and leave for sometime to dry
-rinse with lukewarm water.

Monday, 30 December 2019

10 Successful Businesses You Can Do in 2020

With the increasing rate of unemployment in Nigeria, one will agree that starting up a business is the wisest journey to embark on. There are a thousand and one businesses that can be done, but not all of them stand a good chance of turning out well.

Some of them require a little capital to set-up, while others are not cost-effective, all the same, they are profitable. 

1. CrĆØche, Nursery and Primary School
Education is a necessary door that every Nigerian must pass through. No matter how many schools exist in a town, there will always be room for another one – a cheaper one with high standards of learning coupled with a conducive environment.School business has no rival among its mates.One area to start from is the crĆØche; it is easier to handle and can grow to add the nursery and eventually the primary sections to the scheme. You don’t need to own a big building for it. You can start from as little as a room in your house and expand with time.

2. Fast Food/Eatery
You can never go wrong in the Fast Food business. Lots of Nigerians, especially bachelors, depend solely on foods made in either restaurants or eateries. This is due to their inability to prepare these meals themselves, or just the laziness in making them. You can start small in stands or kiosks, or a real building, depending on the amount you have as capital.

3. Sachet water production
An increasing number of Nigerians depend on sachet water for drinking. Although there are several companies that produce sachet water in Nigeria, the demand for the product keeps getting relatively higher than the supply, therefore there is room for more sachet water producers. 

This business is capital and labor intensive but it is worth venturing into, because it has a high-profit margin of over 50%, especially if it is well-managed, and the product is widely distributed. Since no one can do without drinking water, you can be sure your business will do pretty well if it is well taken care of.
4. Laundry/dry cleaner
Everyone enjoys wearing clean clothes, but not everyone enjoys the process of making those clothes clean, and this is where you come in. Laundry business is a small-scale business that can be established at the back of your house and requires small capital to establish. With more Nigerians getting busier and some lazier by the day, this business can fetch a lot of money in a short while. You can also set it up in a big way to gain rich customers who dry-clean expensive clothes and pay more. 

That requires a handsome amount for purchasing the equipment needed, nonetheless, the basic materials needed for this business are water, detergents, buckets, pressing irons, hangers and a couple of drying ropes and pegs.
5. Making of Fruit Juice
Because everybody wants to be nourished and look fresh, Nigerians drink fruit juice more than any other people in the world. This is one reason why companies like La Casera and Chi are making billions of naira every day.

The country is blessed with various fruits; mangoes, oranges, pineapples, and banana, especially in states like Benue. But a lot of these fruits go to waste due to lack of preservative methods. Although this business is capital-intensive, one can set it up in a fruit producing state to cut down production costs.
6. Rice farming
Rice remains the single most consumed food staple in Nigeria and Billions of dollars go into the importation of this product yearly. Most of the rice eaten in Nigeria comes from China and Thailand because the local farmers here are unable to meet up with the demand due to poor funding and limited knowledge. With a few millions, you can start-up a commercial rice farm in places like Ebonyi state where the land is favorable to the crop. Nigerians unanimously agree that local rice is sweeter than foreign rice, so if you can start from the local and make sure you de-stone it well, you can be sure to grow and make a good profit.
7. Poultry farming
Raising domesticated birds such as chickens, ducks, turkeys and geese, for the purpose of meat or eggs for food, is one successful business venture.This business has been making average Nigerians rich in the last decades, and foreigners have seen its lucrative nature and are coming in to invest in it too. If you start with 1,000 chicks and manage your birds properly, by the end of the first year you must have sold over 2,000 birds and a thousand eggs, and still have more to sell for the festive period.
8. Plantain Chips Making
On major streets in most Nigerian cities, one snack you are sure to find in shops and traffic is Plantain chips of different brands. The product is easy to produce and fast-moving as consumers buy it every now and then to keep their mouths busy and stomachs filled. If you engage in the business of producing and supplying plantain chips, you will be making good money on a daily basis. All you need is: ripe and unripe plantains, a big frying pan, a small sealing machine, nylons and labels, and other utensils, and you are ready.
9. Import Used Cloth
Since a lot of Nigerians can barely afford to feed well, a good number of them patronize Tokunbo clothes, also known as O.K or Okrika clothes.The market in Nigeria is quite big as not everyone can afford new and expensive designer clothes from boutiques. Most people who can afford expensive clothes still prefer buying first grade O.K clothes because they are most times original and one-made samples. The cost of buying and importing used cloths is low compared to the prices in the market here in Nigeria and it has a guaranteed good turnover. You can start selling by introducing your goods to friends and neighbors.
10. Office Supply
Many businesses in the office supply industry have recently expanded into related markets. Most people who work in offices often times feel reluctant or get too busy to go out to buy certain things like paper, pen, stapler, and other materials needed in an office. You can help them do the shopping and add your mark-up. 

Gradually, you’ll be a major supplier and even extend to other offices around. This business does not require a lot of money for start-up, and allows even students to engage in selling stationery to fellow students. In another dimension, you can buy goods such as clothes and shoes and other personal items and sell them in offices especially places like banks where workers do not have time to get to the market.

10 Ways To Get Over Yourself And Create More In 2020

What are your visions for your life in 2020 and beyond? Are you ready for something exponentially greater? Now is the time to set the stage for change. How many changes do you think you’d have to make to have your life be easier, more abundant, and a whole lot more fun? Actually, the biggest

šŸ’‹. What are your visions for your life in 2020 and beyond? Are you ready for something exponentially greater? Now is the time to set the stage for change.
How many changes do you think you’d have to make to have your life be easier, more abundant, and a whole lot more fun? Actually, the biggest and most effective change you can make is to let go of your limiting points of view.

šŸ’‹. The ways we limit ourselves is vast. Yet, we can also empower ourselves to move beyond limitations. Practicing these 10 tips will give you a whole lot more freedom in creating more for your life:

1. Stop seeing problems, start seeing possibilities.
If you didn’t think you had any problems, would you? For every problem you have in your life, your business, your relationships, or anywhere else, start asking, “What’s the possibility here that I’m not getting?” Be willing to become aware of the different choices you have.

2. Don’t try to figure it out.
When you ask for possibilities, it’s not about looking for answers. Do you assess every situation and try to figure out what’s the right or wrong answer? In truth, there is no right or wrong.Acknowledge that the options you’ve been considering are definitely not all that are available. Be willing to allow way more into your life. With any creation, the possibilities are exponentially greater than what we can measure or calculate.

3. Let go of definitions.
How often do you define your life in contrast and comparison to everyone else? Letting go of everything you’ve defined that should or shouldn’t be grants you the freedom to look at what it is you’d truly like to have and create. Definitions in any part of your life–your body, your business, your relationships, anywhere–will always limit you.

4. No more reasons and justifications.
Whatever you’ve decided are the obstacles you can’t get around in order to have what you desire, are the reasons and justifications you’re using to limit your life. Every single person on the planet has a story they can use to remain small if they choose. Is that enough for you? Make a demand of yourself that your situation changes, whatever it takes. Be willing to see possibilities for creating your life in totally different ways.

5. Acknowledge you more.
What capacities and gifts do you have that you’re not acknowledging? Write a list of everything that you have a capacity with. This can be anything from an ability to multitask or remain calm in a crisis, to specific skills you’ve cultivated. Acknowledge everything, even if it’s so second nature to you that it hardly seems like a capacity at all. It is.
If you were truly utilizing all the capacities you have available, what else would be possible for you that’s greater than you’ve ever considered?

6. Choose what’s fun for you.
Living joyfully is not only an option, it invites so much more into your life. Look at everywhere you’re not having an enjoyable time in your life right now and start asking what choices can you make that would allow it to be fun for you. What mindset are you in? What points of view could you change to enjoy every aspect of your life more?

7. Go outside your comfort zone.
Are you trying to control the choices you make based on the comfort you’ve decided you have to have? Most people associate discomfort with there being a problem. What if discomfort could be feedback for you that you’re choosing beyond limitations and inviting in something greater? Every time you choose beyond your comfort zone, you allow your life to expand into more.

8. Let yourself be judged.
Most people spend their lives trying to avoid judgment, yet people will judge you no matter what you choose. Making yourself smaller doesn’t eliminate judgment, it only eliminates options for your life.Willingness to be judged allows you to create your life as bold and enjoyably as you desire without slowing yourself down for anyone else’s point of view.

9. Commit to your future.
Every single choice you’re making right now is creating your future. Start looking at your choices and asking, “Will this contribute to the future I know is possible?” Rather than judging if what you’re doing is right, notice if it makes you feel heavier or lighter. What’s light will always create more. What future are you committed to creating?

10. Don’t wait. Create.
If you want your life to be greater, you have to be the one who creates it. No one is coming along to save you. What are you waiting for? You don’t have to have everything all lined up. Start creating and change will come.

14 Warning Signs You Are Dealing with an Evil Person

Life would be a lot simpler if the evil people dressed in full black attire and smiled creepily like the witches in the stories, and the good people would dress in bright colors with a cherubic smile on their face! But no, life is a synthesis of endless contradictions and people wear masks that are difficult to break.

šŸ™Š.  Exists and we don’t need theories to prove that, just a glance at the daily news is enough evidence. Murders, rapes, terrorism and what not! The common thing among all the criminals is their attitude – they do not care what happens to the world as long as their own needs are satisfied. This behavior may be a result of the environment they were brought up in, or as some theorists say the biological component does play a role.

šŸ’‹. Experts reveal that the body releases oxytocin while reacting to something positive. While 95% of people conform to the norm, 5% do not feel the positive vibe.Some black hearted people seem to make this their life motto. It is difficult to distinguish evil because it looks “normal”; however, if you are associated with such people, you will eventually feel the toxicity and suffering rising. Be aware and let go.

1. They are manipulative maniacs
Black hearted people build their lives around one goal and they can go to any extent to achieve it. They do not .. care what others think or if they are hurting or deceiving someone. They will pursue the path if it suits them. They will manipulate others to get their work done.

2. They mislead you
They use gaslighting to sow seeds of doubt in a person’s mind, making them question their own reality. They not only lie but twist the tale to turn your judgment in favor of them. You will inevitably believe them and come to wrong conclusions.

3. They are not trustworthy
All their actions are a master scheme to drive you towards their self-centered agenda. You cannot trust someone who will manipulate and mislead you at every step of the way.

4. They cannot see the reality
Rather, they will not see the reality if it does not correspond with their needs. They will subtly make others believe in their warped vision of life too, to fulfill their demands.

5. They always think they are “owed”
Black hearted people believe they are special and that the world is a “wish granting factory.” They think that being themselves is enough and everyone will cater to their needs because they owe them.
6. They demand attention
They believe the world revolves around them and want to be treated differently because they are worth it. They will demand attention as they feel superior to others, without noticing their flaws.

7. They are liars
They are compulsive liars and simply cannot speak the truth as it will crack their mask of deceit. They will keep lying to cover up for their lies.

8. They live a double life
They lead a double life by wearing masks to fit their role. If you are beneficial to their being, they will treat you differently and if you are not, they will not bother about you. Their personality too is molded by their desires.

9. They will not apologize
If you believe you are superior to everyone else, that you are always right and that everyone owes you the best things possible, you cannot just be humble and accept your follies. Black hearted people never apologize because they do not care for other peoples’ feelings and they simply think they haven’t done anything wrong to apologize for.

10. They create their own facts
They will try to get the upper hand by making other see things through their perspectives, thus working for their welfare.They will alter facts and establish them as real.

11. They do not value your time
Black hearted people put themselves before others and do not care for other people’s’ time. They are just the means to the goal they want to achieve. They do not waste their time for others but demand the same from the later.

12. They don’t feel guilt or regret
They think they are above everything else and so nothing makes them feel bad. They do not feel guilty after using others because only the goal is of importance, not other people’s emotions.

13. They will often hide information
They will have to make others blindly believe them and to do this they hide information.They will protect their mask by tricking people.

14. They are irresponsible
Black hearted people do not think of the consequences or the long lasting impact of their action as it is all-important to them. They will be reckless and not care for the mess they create. Once the goal is achieved they go for another.

Sunday, 29 December 2019

7 Cancer Causing Foods That You Should Avoid.

While some might be quick to add that almost everything causes cancer in the world we live in today, these foods have been proven to increase your risk of cancer:
1. Microwave popcorn: This home-based movie sensation is lined with carcinogenic chemicals that give it that artificial butter taste. The paper bag used to line this popcorn also has the same chemical and increases your chances of contracting pancreatic, testicular, and liver cancer. Go for the regular kernel popping or stovetop popcorn if you want to eat some.

2. Non-organic produce: We might be forced to think that this does not meet the cut when it comes to cancer-producing foods, but seriously, it does. Most non-organic produce has dangerous chemicals, and pesticides sprayed on them. Another problem with this non-organic produce is the use of harmful fertilizers for making them grow bigger and faster, all of which increase the chance of contacting different sorts of cancers. Most affected fruits are apples, strawberries, grapes, and oranges.

3. Canned tomatoes: Many will be quick to defend the canned tomato as beneficial to health because it contains lycopene, which is said to lower the risk of cancer. This benefit is completely wiped out because the canned tomatoes contain linings that interrupt normal body activities. So, consumption can lead to heart diseases, reproductive problems, and cancer, as well.

4. Potato chips: This crispy, cheap, and addictive snack we all love to crunch on can be deadly most of the time. They cause weight gain, contain excess sodium, which leads to high blood pressure and acrylamide, which is a carcinogen found in cigarettes all signs of imminent cancer with continuous consumption. Avoid consuming them at all costs.

5. Refined sugars: Refined sugar is known to increase insulin levels, which is a factor for the production of cancer cells. These cancer cells are majorly produced today by high-fructose corn syrup, which is a constituent of the majority of the sweets consumed today. With many people addicted to sugary treats, we can see why cancer has become a popular trend.

6. Alcohol: Alcohol consumption is the second highest cause of cancer after tobacco. While this might not be a problem with moderate or low consumption, which increases heart health, high use can lead to other diseases like stroke, sudden death, and heart failure. It is also one of the leading causes for breast, liver, breast, mouth, and rectum cancer, all signs pointing to moderate consumption as the only way out.
7. Soft drinks: Soft drinks, soda, or whatever you call is bad for your health. These soft drinks contain almost ten packs of sugar, which cancer cells feed on. Studies have shown that weekly consumption of these sodas can increase your risk of pancreatic cancer, something which you would like to avoid at all cost.
These are some of the cancer-causing foods we should avoid at all costs. We live in a world with many foods causing cancer today, and for us to live longer, we have to make it a habit to avoid them.

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Natural Ways To Cure Body Odor.

Body odor is created when the microbes that live on our skin separate the proteins in our perspiration into various acids.A few people will in general imagine that it is the development of microscopic organisms on the skin that produces personal stench, yet in actuality, it is this procedure that delivers the undesirable scent. Each individual has a one of a kind scent, which is impacted by parameters like age, diet, wellbeing, and sex.

In spite of the fact that stench is a characteristic wonder, it can influence our certainty and personality.There are natural ways one can assist fix with bodying smell

Oils : A few oils are known to have different properties that assist in battle with bodying smell. A blend of these oils is additionally frequently used to address this issue. The best oils for personal stench include:Coconut oil,Tea tree oil,Lavender oil,peppermint oil,Tamanu oil, Sage oil.
Apple Cider Vinegar: What are required are; Apple juice vinegar, Cotton balls, Water. Blend the apple juice vinegar with water and apply straightforwardly to your underarms and other bodies parts utilizing a cotton ball.

Epsom salt: Epsom salt is a cell reinforcement and is known to detoxify our body.It likewise enables our body to create a hormone called serotonin,which encourages it to unwind.These properties of Epsom salt ease pressure and this, thus, diminishes sweat creation, subsequently disposing of foul smell from our body. Fill a bath or jacuzzi with boiling water and pour around 2 to 3 cups of Epsom salt into it,Soak in the shower and unwind. It is prudent to attempt this treatment at any rate three times each week.

Baking Soda: Take the powdered preparing soft drink in a bowl and brush it on all the perspiration inclined territories of your body, for example, your underarms. Dust off the additional powder and approach your day of course. Heating soft drink ingests dampness,and subsequently, it avoids the development of sweat.It murders the microorganisms on the skin as well as alkalizes the body and kills the sharp smell that our body radiates.

Lemon juice: Cut the lemon into equal parts and rub it straightforwardly on your underarms. Enable it to dry totally. Wash off with tepid water. In the event that you have touchy skin, you can weaken lemon juice with a couple of drops of water and afterward apply it on the underarms. Lemon juice works in light of the fact that the acidic idea of lemon brings down the pH of our body, making it hard for the microbes to get by on our skin.

Milk Of Magnesia: Touch some milk of magnesia legitimately on your underarms. You can likewise blend it in with a couple of drops of any basic oil, store it in a container, and splash onto your skin at whatever point required Fitting to apply each night.

Rubbing Alcohol: Take a few drops of scouring liquor on a cotton cushion and apply it to your underarms. It ought to be applied to armpit and less touchy piece of the body. The antibacterial properties of scouring liquor take out all the surface microorganisms present on the skin and this averts stench.

.....šŸ’Œ Happy Birthday To a Special Person.

December  29 a Special Day to Remember

........ Happy birthday, gorgeous! You are another year older and I just can’t see it. Have a blast! Wishing you the best of the best!.....
 From streetzgossips wishing You a special
                    šŸ’ Happy Birthday šŸ’«
                ❤ ...  Rittyangel....❤

..... On your birthday friends wish you many things, but I will wish you only two: always and never. Never feel blue and always be happy!..... 
To My Friends and Commandos I Luv u all 

.šŸ’“...Wishing a happy birthday to the best person I’ve ever met in this world..šŸ‘
.       To My Best Friend Winners Kayede! 

.. ..... I feel proud when I call you my sister. I want to feel this today and every day...... 

šŸŽ‚.  give us the opportunities to stop and appreciate all the beautiful things we have been Blessed with.

šŸ’‹.  Life is full of experiences, and a birthday is one of the greatest experiences in the journey of life. Enjoy your day.

... ...... For your latest gist and amebo visit

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15 Profitable Businesses You Can Start With Just ₦70K In Nigeria

Business Plan Outline your goals, target customers, marketing strategies, expenses, and projections to provide direction for your business. ...

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