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Saturday, 25 January 2020

Effective Way To Get Rid of Stretch Marks and Scars on Your Body Using ONIONS

Any woman face with stretch marks at some point, and would do anything to get rid of them.

If you do not spend exorbitant amounts on visits to specialised salons, then you can turn to the help of a food that you have, certainly, in the house.

Onion is used for years as a remedy for stretch marks and scars. Do not worry about the smell, it can be removed.

Here’s how to prepare the miraculous remedy that gets you rid of stretch marks and scars:
1. Cut red onion rings, then take one and massage the stretch marks with it for a few times, in the morning and in the evening, at least for 60 seconds.

2. Once you’re done, put the pieces of onion in a blender and blend until you get a thick paste.

3. Apply the resulting paste on the affected area twice a day.

4. Before going to bed, put some onions in the blender, then filter the paste.

5. Soak a dry cloth in the obtained liquid, and cover the affected areas with it. Keep the cloth on overnight.

6. In the morning remove the cloth, and rinse with lukewarm water.

7. If the smell of onion is too strong for you, add some amount of lemon.

A simpler option is to extract the juice of two onions and then mix it with glycerin.. 
1. Keep this in a glass jar.
2. Use this mixture to reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
3. Apply every morning and evening on the affected area, gently massaging the skin.

Garlic; For Money and Success

Garlic: For MONEY and SUCCESS; garlic skins are burned indoors to keep/invite money to your home, but to do this, you have to mix them with onion skin.

NOTE: Whenever you burn something as seriously banishing as garlic in your house, remember to burn also a gentle incense afterwards.
For PROTECTION: hang braids of fresh garlic by the door, to keep unwanted evil away from your house and witches working against you won't have much luck.

I Recommend LADIES to carry/put a clove of garlic in the pocket for goodluck and to keep evil far from them on a wedding day.

CAUTION: Pregnant woman and persons with hot temperaments should please avoid over use of garlic.

Friday, 24 January 2020

7 People you should do well to avoid (especially number 4, if you love your life)

1. Zero People:
I call them zero people because they just live a zero impact life. These are the people who think they have nothing to lose. And they most times really don't have anything to lose.

 They can agree to tape your sex activity and it won't cause them anything to leak the tapes. Remember, they careless about anyone's opinion. Since they really don't have anything to lose in the pocess. It is you that have your reputation at stake. So do well to run away from them. It will save you everything you value.

2. Call And Dump People:
They call you when they need you. Dump you afterwards. These people who usually think about you when they need you for something.For their personal good and interests, afterward you don't matter to them. Over a certain period of time, you will come to notice that whenever you need them, they careless. 

They only always call or look your way, whenever they want something from you. Why do you want to be with such persons. You will only be drained. They won't add anything to your life.

3. Shoulder Over Head People:
These ones, their heads are raised so high above their head. Pompus and pride fellows.These people allow pride to destroy their relationship.

 They will break you for their own weakness. And you will always end up feeling bad. They can't say sorrry. They can't allow little issues slip. They will always blow things out of propostions. Usually they make their relationships toxic. You are worst for it, if you continue with such people.

4. Money Or Die People:
These ones will kill you one day for money. I learnt a long time ago that money must never be valued above great frienships. It's okay for persons to hate poverty. It's okay to be hardworking. But when it becomes a matter of material obsession. And money love raised to another level of demonism. You will do well to run. Run from people who think money is all that matters no matter how they make it.

You will see it in what they do and things they say. They are not against money rituals. Not against selling your bodies for prostitution. Not even against scaming in the name of business. They valie money more than another's life. Run!

5. Value Blind People
These ones are people who don't see you as anything worthwile. They think you are not special, not good, not valuable. So what are you still waiting for? Run from these people or you will end up becoming what they see, say or think about you. 

These people will always think you are not worth their apologies even when they wrong you. They just have zero values for you. At times, they are your bosses at work. 

They treat their pets far above you.You don't need people who creat such depressing environment for you. You need positive vibes. Go get friends who see your value. Because trust me, you are worth many bags of golds and diamonds.

6. Wrong Amplifing People:
People who only see your bad sides. They only promote your bad sides. They amplify it. People who think you are always wrong. You are never right. Agreed some people are usually always wrong. Do ensure you are not always wrong.

7. Trouble Loving People:
These people will always end up their weekends in police stations. They like the sight of trouble. Always fighting, always quarelling. They love violence. Why do you want to be with these kind of persons. They will attract only troubles to you

Wednesday, 22 January 2020

How to achieve success in life, 12 lessons from ( Joseph)

What every Muslim and Christian should learn from the story of (Joseph)

1. Enemy are inevitable.
It can never be seen,a thief rubbing an uncompleted building operates only on a well completed one, so is life, the more your enemy more your brighter future if you don't allow them to derail you.Joseph defeated them by hardworking,sincerity to his kinsmen and prayer.When his kinsmen plotted to kill him, it was one of them that suggested that he has been being a good boy only that it is our father's favourite, let drop him in a well so that someone can see him and take to another country!

2. It’s good to have dreams, but it’s best to keep them to yourself:

(Remember) when Yusuf said to his father: “O my father! Verily, I saw (in a dream) eleven stars and the Sun and the moon—I saw them prostrating themselves to me. He (the father) said:

“O my son! Relate not your vision to your brothers,lest they arrange a plot against you.Verily! Shaitan is to man an open enemy—Verses 4 & 5
We all have visions and great ambitions in life.However, not everyone shares the same aspiration with us, not even from our kith and kin.

 In modern times, we take everything to social media not knowing that this breeds jealousy, fear of missing out and the evil eye.In an authentic narration,the he warned us:“be discrete in what you want to achieve, for everyone who is blessed is envied”.So keep your dreams between yourself and your Lord.

3. God gives blessing and honor to whom He Wills:

Thus will your Lord choose you and teach you the interpretation of dreams (and other things) and perfect His Favour on you and on the offspring of (Jacob), as He perfected it on your fathers, (Abraham) and Ishaque (Isaac) aforetime! Verily,your Lord is All-Knowing, All-Wise.—Verse 6
God in His Supreme knowledge has the best of plans for you despite the challenge of human interceptions.

 So if God blesses your brother, don’t be mad at him.If you don’t have that blessing or favor doesn’t mean you’re neglected. 

Have faith and remain steadfast. Share in the joy of others and happiness will reach you too. No matter the circumstances, never work towards the downfall of others.

4. There’s good in adversity if you persevere:

And they brought his shirt stained with false blood. He said: “Nay, but your ownselves have made up a tale. So (for me) patience is most fitting. And it is God (Alone) Whose help can be sought against that which you assert.—Verse 18

We go through hardship sometimes we go through hardship and trial.We almost lose hope and trust in God plan.That’s the exact time we need to seek help with patience and prayer.was patient with the fabricated news about the death of his son and God honored him in the long run. So trust in God plan for you and you’d express gratitude to Him in the long run.

5. Always return good and evil with good:

And she, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him (to do an evil act),she closed the doors and said: “Come on, O you.” He said:“I seek refuge in God(or God forbid)!Truly,he (your husband) is my master! He made my stay agreeable! (So I will never betray him).Verily, the Zalimoon (wrong and evil-doers) will never be successful.”—Verse 23

Sometimes God blesses us, yet we use that blessing in rebellious ways. When people are kind to you, try to pay back with kindness. Even when people mean harm to you, return their evil with good so you’d earn a reward from God. 

6. Worldly pain is better than eternal punishment:
He said: “O my Lord! Prison is more to my liking than that to which they invite me. Unless You turn away their plot from me, I will feel inclined towards them and be one (of those who commit sin and deserve blame or those who do deeds) of the ignorant.”—Verse 33

Never try to put your faith to test amidst temptation. It’s better to walk away or face severe consequences of the worldly life, than to compromise and earn the punishment of the after-life.Even a prophet was tempted by a woman and it only took the help of God for him not to fall.So who are you to dare?

7. If you ask, ask from God:
And he said to the one whom he knew to be saved: “Mention me to your lord (i.e. your king, so as to get me out of the prison).”(Satan) made him forget to mention it to his Lord (or Satan made (Joseph) to forget the remembrance of his Lord (God) as to ask for His Help, instead of others). So(Joseph)stayed in prison a few (more) years.—Verse 42

We all go through challenges in life but when we need help who do we call upon? We sometimes think people have the ability to bring us good or harm.Whereas, everything has been predestined as mentioned in the famous hadith of Abdulah ibn Abass. So always remember to ask help from Allah first and be not heedless.

8. Never compromise your moral standards:
(The King) said (to the women): “What was your affair when you did seek to seduce Yoosuf (Joseph)?” The women said: “God forbid! No evil know we against him!” The wife said: “Now the truth is manifest (to all), it was I who sought to seduce him, and he is surely of the truthful.” — Verse 51

A believer doesn’t compromise his moral standard for a piece of cake. No matter how long falsehood appears, the truth will always prevail.So if you’re being tested by God, hang on but remember that the truth will be manifest and falsehood is bound to perish.For God makes not to be lost the reward. 

9. In God Alone let All believers put their trust:
And he said: “O my sons! Do not enter by one gate, but enter by different gates, and I cannot avail you against God at all. Verily! The decision rests only with God. In him, I put my trust and let all those that trust, put their trust in Him.” — Verse 67

Imagine after losing a loved one and betrayal from his offspring,still had an unshakable trust in God.We sometimes question the existence of the Creator when been tested.It’s only when we fully believe and entrust our affairs in the hands of God; then and until then will we find solace in any condition we find ourself

10. Patience is a virtue that’s hard to implement:

He (Jacob) said: “Nay, but your ownselves have beguiled you into something.So patience is most fitting (for me). May be God will bring them (back) all to me.Truly He! Only He is All-Knowing, All-Wise.” — Verse 83

Amidst all the mysteries and agonies, remained patient and steadfast. In the face of trials, we should try our utmost to endure and persevere.There’s nothing that patience falls upon except that it’s beautiful. So be patient and trust that God has the best of plans for you. 

11. Forgive and show mercy to those who offend you:
He said: “No reproach on you this day, may Alla forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy”— Verse 92

Even after all that his brothers put him through.So as much as you can,forgive the evil people do to you. And do not look at yourself better when you do so.This will make you a more honorable person before God. In hope you’d earn God mercy through this righteous act.

PS : Success comes only by the will of Allah, and God alone knows what is best! If you find this piece beneficial, it’s by His Grace. It’s no scholarly work and we accept our mistakes.Suggestions are welcomed in making this effort better as well.

What the lines on your palm predicts

Learn basics of palmistry and how the chart is interpreted with this easy to understand palm-reading guide which contains information to help interpret the secrets that lie hidden within the palms of your hands.

Did You Know?

Palm reading involves reading the lines and marks of both the hands. While reading the hand that is used comparatively lesser by an individual will tell you the fate he is born with, his past, or hidden traits, whereas the lines and mounts of the predominant hand (the hand one uses more than the other one) will show what the individual has managed to do with the original course set for him. The dominant hand gives you an idea about how the original plan has been altered due to the choices made by an individual during his lifetime.

Palm reading is one of the branches of the ancient art of astrology, where lines and creases on people's palms are used to predict the future and deduce the obvious and hidden traits of their personality. Though there is much debate on the authenticity and credibility of palmistry and astrology predictions, they still manage to attract a great amount of interest from both believers and skeptics alike. It is also known as chiromancy or chirology. A palmist uses a palm-reading chart to make certain predictions. There are different schools of palmistry and, therefore, the method of interpretation does vary. The three basic schools from which present day palmistry evolved are Indian, Chinese, and Greek palmistry. The guide below gives some common palm-reading basics that will help you to learn how to read palms and with practice you may even be able to tell the future.

Remember, it is necessary that you follow the palm-reading system of only one school in order to gradually understand the nitty-gritty and logic behind the evolution of that particular style. Eventually, you will understand how all the schools conjoin at a singular plane.

Palm readers normally check the following properties of the palm for their reading.

Lines on the Palm

The lines on the palm are used to determine the future or personality traits of an individual. The three main lines that are considered are the head line, the heart line, and the life line while reading a palm. Below you will get complete details on the major lines on the palm and how they can be interpreted. Along with these major lines, a few minor lines are also viewed, including the marriage and lifeline, travel lines, and the girdle of Venus.

Heart Line

  • The heart line curves upward to end between middle and index finger → A caring and understanding personality.
  • The heart line curves to end below the index finger → An adventurous and artistic personality.
  • The heart line is straight → A selfish personality.

Head Line

  • The head line curves downwards → A sensitive personality with an inclination towards literature and fantasy.
  • Head line curves upwards towards the little finger → An aptitude for Maths, Business Studies, and Logic.
  • Broken head line or no head line → Has varying interests or is a specialist in certain fields, respectively.

Life Line

  • Life line that curves completely around the thumb → Good physical and mental health.
  • A lifeline that is forked upwards → A positive attitude towards life.
  • A lifeline that is forked downwards → A pessimist and an introvert.

The Destiny or Fate Line

  • Absent fate line → A comfortable but uneventful life ahead.
  • Fate line that is unbroken and runs straight across → A successful life ahead.
  • A fork in the destiny line → Indicates a great amount of wealth in store.


The mounts on the palm are also considered while foretelling the future. These mounts are derived from Greek palmistry and are named after Greek gods and goddesses. They are the 'mounts' of flesh below each finger. Their location and interpretation are shown below.

Mount of Venus (Located below the thumb)→ Signifies love, beauty, and artistic sense

Mount of Jupiter (Located below the index finger)→ Signifies love, beauty, and artistic sense

Mount of Saturn (Located below the middle finger)→ Signifies patience, hard work, and practicality

Mount of Apollo (Located below the ring finger)→ Signifies energy, creativity, and compassion

Mount of Mercury (Located at the base of the little finger)→ Signifies business skills, wit, and versatility

Luna Mount or Mount of the Moon (Located at the lower part towards the end of the palm, just below the thumb)

→ Signifies creativity, passion, and shyness

Shape of the Hands

The shape of hands is the first thing that is noted and depending on the shape of your hand you could have a earth, fire, air, or water element hand.

  • Earth Hand → Broad square fingers and palms with rough skin
  • Fire Hand → Square or rectangular palms with pink skin or flushed skin
  • Air Hand → Long fingers with square or rectangular palms and dry skin
  • Water Hand → Short oval-shaped palms with long flexible conical fingers

Although palm reading may not be a hundred percent accurate and fraudulent palmists may even be using old tricks to fool new customers everyday, one must appreciate the art of palmistry and the way it can be used to pick up clues to accurately describe a person and the various facets of his personality

Do These To Lighten Your Armpits Successfully With Natural Ingredients In Less Than 7 Days

Having dark underarms can be really embarrassing. You become uncomfortable wearing sleeveless dresses or are very self conscious when you do. Far from what you may think, dark underarms are not as a result of medical condition or a disease. It is usually caused by hair removal creams that are heavily ladened with chemicals, buildup of dead skin cells, poor ventilation in the armpit area, regular use of alcohol based deodorants and antiperspirants.

Instead of combating dark underarms with expensive products that may not be so effective, it is better to use homemade ingredients to get rid of it. Highlighted below are some of the natural ingredients you can use to get rid of dark underarms. They are cheap and very easy to get.

1.       Potatoes:

Take a thin slice of potato and rub it on your armpit for about 5-10 minutes and then rinse it off with lukewarm water or you can grate the potato and squeeze the juice out. Apply the juice all over your underarms using your fingers or a cotton ball. Allow the juice to sit for about 10-15 minutes before rinsing it off with lukewarm water. Do this twice everyday to get faster and better results.

2.       Cucumber:

Rub a thin slice of cucumber on your underarms or you can grate the cucumber to extract the juice. Apply the juice on your armpit and leave for a while, like 30 minutes before washing it off with water. You can also mix the cucumber juice with turmeric powder and lemon juice and apply under your arms. Do this once every day or till you’re satisfied.

3.       Coconut oil:

Coconut oil is a very good natural ingredient to help get rid of your dark underarms. Just massage your underarms with coconut oil. You can mix the coconut oil with sugar. Leave it on for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with a very mild soap and lukewarm water. Repeat this two-three times daily until you’re satisfied. The coconut oil can also double as an effective natural deodorant.

4.       Orange Peel:

Spread the orange peels in the sun till they are completely dry and then grind the peels into powder form. Mix the grinded orange peels with rose water and milk; enough to make a thick paste. Scrub your underarms with the paste and leave it on for 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with cold water cold water. Like the others, do it twice or thrice daily till you’re satisfied with the outcome.

5.       Lemon:

Rub a wedge of lemon on your armpit and leave for about 10 minutes. For better result, sprinkle sugar on the lemon and use it on your armpit. You can also mix with turmeric powder, honey or plain yogurt. Wash it off with cold water. Repeat this three or four times a week.

You can also use milk, vinegar or baking soda to also get rid of dark underarms. All these ingredients have strong exfoliating properties that can help lighten the skin

Love does not make marriage work: These three things does

Love is never the foundation of marriage and love doesn't make marriage work. Don't marry someone because you love the person. You need more than love to live with one person all the days of your life. Successful marriages are built and erected based on these three factors:

#1. Knowledge: You need plenty of knowledge to able to live with only one person which you call your husband or wife. Knowledge will help you to know how a man or woman is wired. These two beings are completely and distinctly different from each other. Knowledge will expose you to understand the basic need of a man which is respect and that of the woman which is affection. Make sure you read books on marriage attend seminars that will help you make your marriage work.

#2. Understanding: This is where you truly understand how to respect your man as a woman and how to show affection to your woman as a man. Devise creative ways to do that. Understand who is a Man truly and also who a woman truly is. Knowledge will gave you that understanding.

#3. Wisdom: This is the proper application of the knowledge furnished through understanding. You need plenty of wisdom in dealing with your wife or husband. Go for marriage mentors that will teach you the rudiments of marriage wisdom.

Marriage is a house; wisdom laid the foundation, understanding establishes the house; knowledge helps to bring good tidings into the marriage. Don't forget to share and comment.

3 ways to cope with envious people.

Well, like they say, “It is better to be envied than to be pitied”. Envy is not a new thing. It is as old as man. It is one of the commonest feelings of man, especially where someone feels that another is doing better, earning better, has better skills, has more recognition, has more privileges, is preferred, etc.

However, for you to maximize your potentials in life, you must know how to handle envious people, else they can destroy your works, reputation or even try to destroy you and all you have! This is a terrible thing.

Apply these 3 methods to crush envious people!


Sometimes, envious people want your attention at all cost. They want you to misbehave and act like them, so they can bring you down to their level. Learn to ignore them. Talk less or remain silent and keep producing visible and tangible results.


“Your environment can affect your assignment.” 

An environment that is good for today may not be the best for tomorrow. At every point in life, evaluate yourself and your environment so as to know the best decision to take that will move your life forward. Spend more time with people who can add value to your life, not people who envy you for the things you probably consider as ‘little things’.


Sometimes, we give ourselves away by the things we say. Mind what you say before certain people. It may surprise you to know that even the people you think are doing better than you, are full of envy for you! Talk less about your goals and achievements. Work more than you talk! Above all, always pray to God to expose and paralyze their intents and evil works. Remain Unstoppable

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

9 secret steps on how to naturally look younger than your age.

Antiaging skin care' is a very poplar concept in today's world. Today everyone wants to hide their age using antiaging skin care procedures (and a number of people are successful too). However antiaging skin care is not achieved by any magic potion. 'Antiaging skin care' is about discipline. It is about being proactive. 
Antiaging skin care is retarding the ageing process. Here are a 9 STEPS for proactive antiaging skin care:

1. Maintain healthy eating habits : A well balanced diet is the key to maintaining a proper body metabolism. Eat a lot of fruits and vegetables (raw), they are the best source of fibre and have a very refreshing effect on your body. Avoid oily and fatty food; not only do they lack in essential nutrients but also cause obesity and other diseases which aid the aging process

2. Beat stress: This is probably the most important antiaging skin care measure. Stress disturbs the body metabolism and accelerates the aging process. Sleep, exercise and a relaxing bath, are all good ways of beating stress. Aroma-therapy is also known to bust stress.

3. Drink a lot of water : Antiaging skin care can't be any simpler than this. Water helps in flushing out the toxins from the body, hence keeping it clean and making it less prone to disease. Around 8 glasses of water (per day) is recommended by all doctors.

4. Regular exercise : This is a wonderful antiaging skin care procedure. Besides toning your muscles, it also helps in cleaning the skin by flushing out the toxins in the form of sweat. Exercise should be followed by a warm shower in order to completely remove the toxins.

5. Avoid the use of strong, chemical based products on your skin. Natural skin care products are a good option. Use of organic skin care products (home made or commercial) can be a very effective antiaging skin care measure.

6. Do not overuse skin care products . Excessive and harsh application, both are harmful.

7. Do not ignore skin disorders ; it can lead to permanent skin damage. Try over the counter medication and if that doesn't help, immediately visit your dermatologist and seek his/her advice.

8. Vitamin C based skin care products are very popular means of antiaging skin care. However, these seem to oxidise very quickly (which makes them harmful for the skin). So store them properly. If the product turns Yellowish brown, it means that vitamin c has oxidised and the prodct is no longer suitable for use.

9. Protect your skin against UV radiation ; UV rays are known to speed up the aging process. So, a good sunscreen lotion should be a part of your anti aging skin care routin.

Please share ( People out there need to have the same knowledge you have for a better world).
Drop your comments

Apply 1 Spoon of This Everyday and Everyone Will Be Asking You The Secret of Your Beauty.

Beautiful flawless skin can attract everyone towards you. Makeup is not the right solution, any make up can not make your skin flawless and attractive, naturally beautiful skin is always the best. 

Today I will tell you some of the natural remedies that can remove all spots from your skin and will also make your skin glowing. 

In all these remedies we will use one common ingredient and that is – Curd
Curd is very effective to get rid of tan.
1. It will give extra shine to your skin and also removes all aging signs from your skin.
2. It also make your skin fairer and brighter. So you can see that curd is an all in one solution for all your skin problems.

3. Now let me tell you some of the effective ways to use this amazing ingredient for your skin.

Remedy 1
1. In half cup cord add one spoon lemon juice
2. Keep it in fridge fore few minutes. 

3. Massage your face and neck with this for 5 minutes and then wash it off with plain water.
Remedy 2

1. In 1/4 th cup curd add 1 spoon olive oil. 

2. In this add broken wheat until you get smooth paste. 

3. Apply it on your face, when it get little bit dry, rub in circular motion. 

4. It will remove tanning and dead skin from your face. 

Wash your face with plain water
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