™........................ Your Daily Tonic ...................... ™

Friday, 5 January 2018


Want to truly have a happy New Year? Positive psychology specialist Florence Servan-Schreiber suggests 11 easy things you can do to lift your mood, which are scientifically-proven to have a positive effect on the brain.
Sexually active individuals are generally more optimistic and positive for the simple reason that sex leads to the release of serotonin, a natural antidepressant. Give free rein to your emotions and let all that nervous tension ease away.
Laughter, like exercise, makes the body produce endorphins - the happiness hormones - and strengthens our immune system.
Social interactions play an important role in improving quality of life, health and happiness levels.
Neuroscientists and psychologists have found that altruism lowers levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), reducing inflammation, slowing heart rate, reducing blood pressure and pain.
Several studies have highlighted a link between omega-3 fatty acids and improved mood. Found in nuts - particularly walnuts - as well as seeds (chia, linseed), oily fish and certain oils (canola, walnut, linseed), these essential fatty acids are veritable mood lifters.
Meditation focuses the mind and body on the present moment. This allows us to take control of the body's autopilot and curb wandering thoughts. With regular practice (10 minutes per day at first), you can learn to appease mind and body, and bring about a state of calm.
Mowing the lawn, digging, picking and gathering, stacking wood, weeding and raking are all manual activities which, as well as connecting us to the real world, help awaken all five senses and focus attention on the task in hand, not unlike hypnosis.
Napping for 30 minutes per day has many health benefits, while also making us more efficient and creative.
In times of stress and overwork, chewing gum can help relieve pressure in the brain. In fact, chewing can boost blood flow to the brain by 25% to 40%, in turn increasing the amount of oxygen getting to the brain.
Smells and essences can affect our mood considerably. Vanilla has been the focus of several scientific studies and could be the most effective aroma for uplifting our state of mind.
Walks in the countryside can not only make us happier but also reduce our tendency to mull over and dwell on negative thoughts. If the sun is shining, the mood-lifting benefits will be even greater. Plus, wide open spaces can fill us with awe and wonder, which can help foster feelings of fulfillment.

How can I overcome shyness, low self-confidence and low self-esteem all at once

Oh Christ! I've been waiting for someone to ask this question since forever…

Just the straightforward strategy that will get you from here to there. Come on now! No easy shots here it's gonna be a tough ride.

Grab your wits and Enjoy.

Throw all your former clothes away- if you ain't confident. It means you're very self conscious about the way you look to others. So, if you dress less than stunning before? Empty your wardrobe. Get new badass wears and start adorning them. That's step 1.Get your morning routines- you need stereotyped activities for your morning that will charge you up for a confident day. Here's what you do after you wake up- you drink water then exercise, then you do guided meditation and finally you set your challenge goals for the day.Get your list ready- there is nothing like universal confidence. You get confidence at things when you practice it. So make that list of that things you'd like to do, the things attract scare you and those that terrify you. You're going to do everything on that list several times very soon. So Get them down now!Break that terrific challenge down to pieces-most people are looking for a miracle cure that'll take all their fear away and make them superman or wonderwoman. Sorry that doesn't exist. What you're gonna do is pick out those things that terrify you. Break them down. If it's public speaking, take it one step at a time by first presenting to your friend, then group of friends, then a slightly larger group and on and on like that. Don't just go out and try 1000 people on your first trial. Or if it's approaching women, start by asking for directions, then next time Hello. Then hello what's up. Then hello how you doing, what are you doing over here, and on and on like that.Build your avatar- what? You need an avatar? Yes you do. This is the mental picture of your badass that you'll develop. This imaginary guy has unlimited confidence and no fear. Build him as you'd like your ideal self to be and start visualizing him. Let him come real in your mind. And when it's time to act. Ask yourself how would my ideal self(avatar) act?. (For the record, my avatar is no different from superman)Protect your motivation- Here's where most people fall of the track. You can't grow confidence so fast on your own. To make it go well you need to manage your motivation. This means you need to quit your former shy and negative friends if you have any, and start making bold friends who will catapult you outta your comfort zone. Look for those bold guys around and do everything in your power to become friends with them.Set rewards and punishment for your challenges-so after your morning routines, you visit your list and you pick the challenges you're gonna tackle for that day. Now what I used to do is I don't eat until I talk to a stranger and I eat at KFC if I get 10 phone numbers in a week. Start setting rewards and awful punishments for your confidence goals now!Kill it with your body language- your mind influences your body and your body also influences the mind. One big trick to boost your confidence is to start faking confidence with your body language. Start walking and talking slower, stand tall and take up space around you. With time you'll become who you're acting to be.Accept failure- this just dropped in my life and I felt I needed to add it. In the process of building your confidence and facing your fear. You're gonna fail, you'll fall flat in your face several times and get embarrassed. You have to accept this and always get back on your feet.

Now. Go. Out. There. And. Make. Magic.

Grab my free online course that treats this in more depth.

Kirke Ruuven


27w ago

Been there, done that.

I am going to tell you what has helped me. I was in a deep hole of self-hate, but now I am a totally normal person and love myself.

Some points for you to think about:

You have to stop thinking about yourself so much. Accept the fact that you are not special! You are like everybody else in the world. Get over yourself.If a person has low self-confidence, it’s because he has acted in the past in a way that made him feel stupid, clumsy, weird and now he believesthat he must act the same way in the future. The good news is that it’s possible to train yourself to be more outgoing and confident. It’s your own choice.Accept the fact that the only person holding you back is you. You might have a feeling that people hate and judge you if you speak up, but that is not true. You must take responsibility for your own thoughts, feeling and actions. Nobody can have power over you! You own them!You are actually not shy. You may have a very powerful mind that creates a image of yourself as an extremely shy person, but it’s not real. The truth is that you are your actions and when you really want to, you can act confident. This means that you must take action. Start that conversation. Say hi to that nice girl. Smile to that stranger. There is no magic pill that you can take and now BOOM you’re confident. It’s just comes down to your actions.

In conclusion:

If you want to become confident, you must do things that you normally wouldn’t do. You will be suprised of how outgoing you can be!

With this mindset I went to talk to the most handsome guys and they all loved me. I actually made them laugh! You just have to realize, that nobody else is thinking about you like you do about yourself. Relax and go talk to anybody you want to. Trust yourself. You can do it.

This has helped me on my journey. I hope this will help you as well.

Good luck.

Ville Stranius

Thinker. Philosophy & Sci-fi fan. First in line to take the nanobot shot.

27w ago

By loving yourself.
If need be, go from accepting -> liking -> loving.

Being confident is a journey that takes awhile. Think of it like getting fit (btw being super fit is not necessary for confidence). The sustainable way is to make small life changes and keep them forever. They also say that self-image is slow to change, an overweight person can feel that he’s/she’s fat for possibly years after reaching normal measures.

How to start liking yourself?

Physical attributes:
If you feel like you need a lift-up in style, do it. Clothes and other “gear” like eyeglasses (if you use them) should reflect the kind of image you want to display from yourself. Get the kind of body figure you are comfortable with, again no need to go overboard and pursue athlete body unless you feel like that’s really something worth pursuing for and spending all the required time. Physical attributes are kind of easy, but even they take some time and/or money to change. Be patient.

Ok this can be somewhat trickier. You need to find out your core values, what kind of person you want to be. In addition, you need to find out your aspirations, what are the things you want to do in life or have in it. These can naturally change over time and don’t need to be set in stone. Having your values and goals defined and being OK with them as well as your physical attributes is already quite a win. Your whole self-evaluation needs to arise from within, you are OK with what you are and you like the direction where you’re going to.

Living according to your values and acting in a way that your goals are proceeded, gives sense of rewardment and moving onward with your life. Oh, almost forgot to mention, kind of like values, define your boundaries and defend them. Tell people off that cross them or at least make sure you know when they have been crossed and then make a judgement call, whether you want to do something about it. Taking the highroad and ignoring an ignorant person is often the smart move, it doesn’t make you a pussy.

Reading inspirational / self-help material often raises thoughts and you might want to incorporate or avoid incorporating some of the behavioral patterns presented in such blogs or articles.

If you need help in defining your values and goals, I actually found a dating site (Such as OK Cupid) with hundreds of questions and profile building helpful. Some of the questions were really difficult to answer at first since I honestly didn’t know my stance in some matters. More questions answered, more from myself discovered ; ]

Rebecca Knowles

8w ago

Everything that happens to you is a reflection of what you believe about yourself. We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth. ~Iyanla Vanzant

You have ideas that could solve many of the problems you see around you. You could regale people with interesting stories that crack them up. You could be the perfect partner, parent, or friend.

Something tells you that your ideas are not worth announcing in public. Something keeps you from sharing your interesting stories. Something stops you from giving all youve got and taking all you need from your closest relationships.

Even though you know that you can be so much more, deep down you have a nagging feeling that you are not worthy of greatness, accolade, pure joy, and happiness.

When I met him, I used to think he was shy and maybe lacked the confidence to speak up, like I did. Fifteen years of being together has shown me how very wrong I was.

While I have always bounced back and forth between lack of confidence and overconfidence, my husband has been very even keeled, almost unnaturally so. He doesnt get fazed by what people say. His decisions are not dependent on what others think. He has such a deep-seated sense of self-worth that nothing seems to affect him.

Slowly, Ive come to realize that self-esteem has nothing to do with being gregarious/extroverted or shy/introverted. It comes from a place much deeper, from within yourself.

On the other hand, if you consciously commit to conduct yourself right, no matter what the situation is, you can permanently increase your sense of self-worth.

Ive been putting this theory to test over the past couple of years and have started noticing a much more deep-seated sense of calm within, from which a strong sense of self-worth has emerged.

Have you heard the quote You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time? Knowing that someday you will be found out is what kills the self-esteem

6 Signs Your Boyfriend Is Also Your Best Friend

I have always dreamed to find a guy who will love me for who I am and will treat me with respect and kindness. I have always looked for someone who will laugh at my jokes (even if they are terrible) and will not run away from me when I am not wearing makeup. Most of all I have always wanted a boyfriend who I can also call my best friend.
This means that he will always have your back and he will tell you if you look terrible in that outfit. He is not going to replace your girlfriends, but he is just going to be at your side with them and support you through thick and thin. Here are 6 signs your boyfriend is also your best friend:

1. You can't wait to tell him all the drama.
When something scandalous happens, my boyfriend is the first person I go to. I love gossiping with him and just keeping him updated on the drama going on in my life. He always listens to me without complaining and I think he secretly enjoys our conversations.

2. He is your favorite person to spend time with.
Going to the movies, ice skating, or getting Whataburger at 3 a.m. is always fun if my boyfriend is with me. I would choose a movie night with pizza with him over a crazy night at the club and I just love spending time with him because he makes every day a new adventure.

3. He is always down to help you with anything.
My boyfriend gives me rides to go to the grocery store, the post office, and church. He always says "yes" when I need a favor, and I know I can count on him. From helping me to calculate my grades to carrying my suitcase, my boyfriend is always there for me.

4. He gives you great advice.
When I need an honest opinion I ask my boyfriend. He is like an encyclopedia and he seems to know everything. When I need advice about my future plans, work, school, or friends, my boyfriend always gives me some wise words. He is just the perfect life advisor.

5. He is your partner in crime.
My boyfriend agreed to do three different couple costumes for Halloween. He is just the peanut butter to my jelly, the bacon to my eggs, the cream to my bagel and the fries my burger. We understand each other with just a look and we make the perfect duo.

6. He loves you for your imperfections
He knows everything about you and still loves you. You can be as annoying as you want and he is still stick around. That's what best friends do. They accept you for who you are and you feel absolutely comfortable around them.

Wednesday, 3 January 2018

I Drink Blood Of People I Kill, Says Deadly Kidnap Kingpin Nabbed By Police (Photos)

A 25-year old Fulani kidnap-for-ransom kingpin, Ibrahim Umar, stunned people watching as he was being paraded among 15 others by the Nigerian Police, Tuesday.

When he disclosed that he had not only killed over ten of his kidnapped victims in recent times but also drank their blood raw.

He equally disclosed that he hunts and kills soldiers to get their arms and uniforms for operations whenever he was in need of the items.

What stands Umar’s kidnap gang out among many others across the country is that it kills the victims even after collecting ransom from their families.

Umar, a vicious and notorious kidnap-for-ransom/armed robbery kingpin, who said he has been in the business for over two years now,

was arrested alongside his three gang members in the forest and towns along Abuja-Kaduna, and Abuja-Suleja-Minna Highway by men of the F- SARS Special Tactical Squad attached to Operation Absolute Sanity.

The husband of two wives and father of two, who gave his nickname as “Oro”, told journalists at Sabon Wuse Divisional Office of the Nigeria Police Force, venue of the parade.

That he had made fortunes worth several millions of naira from the atrocities he carried out along the highway for the past two years.

The arms and ammunition recovered from the the gang included five AK47 riffles, 1596 7.62 X 39mm AK47 ammunition, two sword & cutlasses, four pairs of suspected fake military uniform and mobile phones.\

See more photos below:-


Young lady who tried to ‘enhance her shape’ dies after failed buttock implant surgery | Photos

— Mother-of-two, Carolina Andrea Aguirre Castano die after having buttock implant surgery | Photos

A woman has tragically died after having buttock implant surgery at a hair salon. Carolina Andrea Aguirre Castano, 38, passed away after agreeing to have the invasive cosmetic surgery at a hair and beauty spa in Medellin, Colombia.

She had silicone implants fitted into her bum cheeks to ‘enhance the shape’, and was injected with an unidentified substance. But when Castano began to feel unwell, the salon’s staff called an ambulance and she was rushed to hospital. However, the mother-of-two died on the way.

The city’s Metropolitan Police operational commander Colonel Juan Carlos Restrepo confirmed her death, adding that Castano was the sixth fatality from cosmetic procedures in Medellin within the last year.

Also Read:  'I'm no hostage!' 21-year-old speaks out after her family accused R. Kelly of s£exual abuse

An investigation into Castano’s death is now under way. The unnamed owner of the hair salon has reportedly been arrested and remains in police custody. The spa has also been closed down.

The popularity of plastic surgery in the country has led to the growth of an unsafe industry, rife with unqualified practitioners carrying out cut-price procedures in underground establishments.

In 2016, 30 people died from complications during cosmetic procedures in Colombia. Last year, Colombian journalist Lorena Beltran publicly spoke out about the huge scarring she suffered after botched breast reduction surgery


streetzgossips   —

Want to truly have a happy New Year? Positive psychology specialist Florence Servan-Schreiber suggests 11 easy things you can do to lift your mood, which are scientifically-proven to have a positive effect on the brain.
Sexually active individuals are generally more optimistic and positive for the simple reason that sex leads to the release of serotonin, a natural antidepressant. Give free rein to your emotions and let all that nervous tension ease away.
Laughter, like exercise, makes the body produce endorphins - the happiness hormones - and strengthens our immune system.
Social interactions play an important role in improving quality of life, health and happiness levels.
Neuroscientists and psychologists have found that altruism lowers levels of cortisol (the stress hormone), reducing inflammation, slowing heart rate, reducing blood pressure and pain.
Several studies have highlighted a link between omega-3 fatty acids and improved mood. Found in nuts - particularly walnuts - as well as seeds (chia, linseed), oily fish and certain oils (canola, walnut, linseed), these essential fatty acids are veritable mood lifters.
Meditation focuses the mind and body on the present moment. This allows us to take control of the body's autopilot and curb wandering thoughts. With regular practice (10 minutes per day at first), you can learn to appease mind and body, and bring about a state of calm.
Mowing the lawn, digging, picking and gathering, stacking wood, weeding and raking are all manual activities which, as well as connecting us to the real world, help awaken all five senses and focus attention on the task in hand, not unlike hypnosis.
Napping for 30 minutes per day has many health benefits, while also making us more efficient and creative.
In times of stress and overwork, chewing gum can help relieve pressure in the brain. In fact, chewing can boost blood flow to the brain by 25% to 40%, in turn increasing the amount of oxygen getting to the brain.
Smells and essences can affect our mood considerably. Vanilla has been the focus of several scientific studies and could be the most effective aroma for uplifting our state of mind.
Walks in the countryside can not only make us happier but also reduce our tendency to mull over and dwell on negative thoughts. If the sun is shining, the mood-lifting benefits will be even greater. Plus, wide open spaces can fill us with awe and wonder, which can help foster feelings of fulfillment.

Ladies, If Your Boyfriend Does These 3 Things…. You Should Be Running For Your Life

You’ve found your soul mate, you’ve been together for a while, and you feel like you’re ready to take it to the next level. Maybe even marriage — eek! Is he the prefect life-long partner for you? Wouldn’t we all love a crystal ball to show us exactly what to expect from a man in the future. I’ve known women who fretted over doubts all the way up to the altar who went on to enjoy long, fulfilling marriages. And I’ve known women who were 100 percent sure of their man only to find out they’d ignored some pretty important red flags along the way.
The thing is, sometimes a red flag looks a little, well, gray. And chances are there might be something about your man that makes you wonder a little. But you kind of want to just give him a pass because you don’t want to be hypercritical — and because you really love him, dammit! Sometimes those little things can turn into a big deal later on. Here are 3 red flags you’re better off facing right now, before you let things go any further.
1. He’s not that into sex. Okay, some of you may consider that a plus. He never pesters you to have sex. If you’re not in the mood it’s never an issue, and you never feel pressured. Except … come on, a guy who never initiates sex? Who never brings it up? Who never tries to seduce you? You need to look into that, because it’s definitely atypical.
There are many reasons why a man may not seem interested in sex. He could be gay, he could be depressed, he may be getting some on the side. Whatever the problem is, you’d better uncover it before making a commitment to this guy because it’s almost always an indication of a bigger issue that’s just going to blow up in a much worse way later on.
2. He’s moody and deals with disappointment and stress by sulking, or drinking, or eating a lot. This touches on two things crucial to a long-term relationship: Emotional resilience and healthy coping mechanisms. If he lets the little things get to him every time, that’s a problem. How your boyfriend “does life” matters a lot.
We all have our ups and downs — we’re human. It’s how we respond that matters. There are healthy ways to deal with stress (talking, exercise, meditation, breathing exercises) and there are unhealthy ways (stomping and slamming doors like a toddler, withdrawing for hours, getting high). You want to make sure he can see past the frustrations of the moment, that he has faith in his ability to solve problems, and that he can get back up and keep going when he’s knocked down.
3. He’s a lone wolf with few friends who feels largely misunderstood by the world. This has a romantic allure — only you truly understand your man! You’re both that special. But there’s a dark side to this personality type that could undermine your relationship down the road. Everyone should have at least a couple long-term friends. That’s a sign of loyalty and empathy.
Even artists with eccentric vision find people to connect with. You want to see your man connecting with others in a positive way because it shows he can work as a team — and marriage is a lot about teamwork. Plus, you cannot be anyone’s sole life line. It’s unhealthy to be anyone’s “everything.” Hello, codependent relationship!
Just because you’re finally facing a relationship deal breaker doesn’t necessarily mean it’s over between you forever. Maybe it means your guy needs to get help so he can get to a place where he can truly commit to you. Helping him face his issues is the most altruistic, selfless way to love him, whatever happens.

10 Ways to Become Financially Independent

People can choose to define financial independence in their own way — after all, not everyone wants a private jet and a mansion. However reaching real financial independence — the ability to live comfortably off one’s savings and investments with no debt whatsoever — could be easier than you think.
It takes a plan. Many individuals — particularly those with a healthy self-discipline and solid financial guidance — can reach this goal. Here are 10 ideas to get started.

1. Visualize first, then plan . Anyone’s vision of financial independence can probably use a reality check. Start by considering what your vision actually looks like and then gather some qualified financial advice to set — or reset — your course. The path to financial independence may be considerably different at age 20 than it is at age 50; the more time you have to save and invest generally produces a better outcome. But whatever age you are, start by getting a realistic picture of what options you have.

2. Budget. Tracking your finances effectively starts with budgeting - the process of measuring income, subtracting expenses and deciding how to divert the difference to your goals. It’s the essential first task in achieving financial independence.

3. Spend less than you earn . Most of us have certainly heard this rule, but it remains one of the toughest financial behaviors to execute. One rule of thumb is to put between 10-15 percent of your gross income in savings or investments every week (which includes employer match if it’s available). Working couples might try to bank a substantial part of one salary if possible. In any case, adhering to a lower standard of living and expenses will help anyone put more money into savings and investments sooner.

4. Build smarter safety nets . Emergency funds and insurance are part of the financial planning picture, but they’re rarely discussed in combination. The traditional definition of an emergency fund is a separate account for cash that can be used instead of credit in a sudden emergency like an unexpected car or appliance repair. But it might be wise to evaluate current deductibles on home, car and health insurance to see if those amounts should be built into one’s emergency fund - many people keep deductibles fairly high to keep premiums low. Would you have cash on hand to cover deductibles if you had a sudden claim? If not, put that money in reserve. The more effective you are at dealing with financial emergencies, the faster your savings and investments can grow.

5. Eliminate debt . Though consumer debt levels have generally fallen since the 2008 financial crisis, the Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported in February that home, student loan, auto and credit card debt began creeping up again in 2014. Getting rid of revolving, non-housing debt is one of the most effective things you can do to free up money to save and invest.

6. Consider your career . Financial independence doesn’t require you to quit a career you love, but you really can’t get to financial independence without steady income to fuel savings and investments that will build over time. If you are behind on your financial goals, chances are you won’t be able to quit working, at least for a while. You might even consider expanding your sources of work-related income, such as consulting part time. Consider speaking with qualified financial and tax experts as you evaluate your current career income and benefits picture. Also keep in mind that over the age of 50, the Internal Revenue Service allows you to make catch-up contributions to both 401(k) and IRA accounts.

7. Downsize. Whether you are age 20 or 50, financial independence requires a personal evaluation of what money, property and items you will need to live happily and securely. It might also help to stop any “Keeping up with the Joneses” you’ve done in the past that’s unduly influenced your spending. Generally, you’ll get to your goal faster if you can cut your overall living expenses. For some, that means selling your home and moving to a smaller one or to an area with lower living costs and taxes. You can also sell or donate property you don’t need and use those proceeds to extinguish debt or add to savings or investments.

8. Invest frugally . Become a student of investment fees and commissions. When you’re able to add money to savings or investments, watch for fees, deadlines or penalty rules. Washington took aim earlier this year on fees on 401(k) accounts, but make a full evaluation of what fees you are paying on every investment account you have. And if you work with a qualified professional licensed to sell investment products, know how much you’re paying in investment and advisory fees for their services and discuss their performance.

9. Buy assets that generate income . No investment is foolproof - whether you invest in stocks, real estate, collectibles or cash investments, all have up and down markets. It is important to fully understand everything you invest in and focus on assets that will make money over the long haul. Reading widely on the subject of any class of investment you’re interested in will help you buy low so you can sell higher at a later date. Don’t forget to study the tax ramifications of any investment transaction you make.

10. Always know where you are financially . Financial planning isn’t about making one set of financial decisions and assuming you’re set. Lives and situations change and your financial planning must be flexible enough to withstand both positive and negative changes without derailing your hopes for financial independence. If your forte is not investing, financial planning or tax matters, by all means bring in qualified experts to help. But financially independent people generally have their money issues at their fingertips not only for their own use, but for estate purposes as well.
One last point. Being able to pay for a lifestyle you love without worrying about money is an enormous relief and reward. If you don’t feel you’re heading in that direction, consider putting some of these steps in motion today.
Bottom line : Not everyone inherits a fortune. Financial independence takes work and discipline, but small steps can yield big rewards over time.

5 Ways to Boost your Creative Productivity

One of the biggest challenges many creative artists have is simply finding the time to be creative. We really do enjoy creating our art (most of the time) but there never seems to be quite enough hours in the day. We know that we just need to sit down and do it, but we always tend to get distracted and before we know it, another day is gone.
I still deal with this problem every day. If only I could find a way to stop being so distracted when I’m trying to write. If only I didn’t have to get up every five minutes to get something that I needed. If only the phone would stop ringing. If only there weren’t ten thousand other things I had to do that day. Maybe, just maybe, I could get some real work done.
Over the years I’ve tried schedules, to-do lists, and even elaborate time management systems that ended up taking me more time to fill out then I was saving. Sure, some of these systems worked better than others, but in the end, they were all just one more thing for me to do (or avoid doing).
While I certainly don’t have all the answers here, after many years of trial and error, I have discovered a few techniques that seem to work for me. If you’re having trouble finding the time to get creative, you may want to give them a try.

1.) Honor your creative time
What time of day do you tend to do your best work?
Do you seem to work best in the morning, afternoon, or evening?

For example, I know from experience that

I always seem to do my best writing in the morning from about 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Part of the reason is that by two o’clock I have thought of so many other things that I should be doing that I find it hard to continue focusing on what I am currently writing.
Whatever time it is that you do your best work, use that time to create your art, and save more routine tasks (like answering e-mail or connecting on Facebook) for later. One of my biggest issues was that first thing in the morning when I would sit down at my computer to write, I would immediately start pulling up my e-mail and checking my favorite websites just to see if anything exciting happened while I was sleeping. The problem was that before I knew it, an hour or two of my creative time had suddenly disappeared. This leads me to my second rule. . .

2.) Avoid distractions
Maybe you are the exception to the rule, but I have found that multi-tasking is the enemy of inspired creative work. When you are actively creating your art/music, do yourself a favor and turn off your e-mail program, cell phone, television, Twitter or Facebook feed, and anything else that could potentially interrupt your creative flow. Yes, it’s possible that you might be missing out on that one e-mail message that could change your life, but chances are it’s just another YouTube video from Uncle Phil.

3.) Organize your space
Make sure that you have all the tools (including coffee) you might need nearby. Those efficiency experts tell us that everytime we get up to go to the kichen to get some food or answer the phone, you not only lose the time that you spend staring blankly into the refrigerator, but you also lose the time that it takes to get back into the flow of things once you finally get back to work. This is why it’s important to not only remove any potential distractions, but to also make sure that you have everything you’ll need in your workspace before you start.
4.) Focus your effort
Some artists have told me that they have found it worthwhile to set a timer in order to force themselves to work for a certain period of time. Personally I find that having a timer ticking nearby (even silently) distracts me even more because I always find myself sneaking a glance to see how much time is left which of course interrupts my flow. I also feel like it somehow subconsciously limits me to a certain amount of time because once the timer goes off, I feel like I’m done (or at least should be done) with whatever I was working on.
Now having said that, I do like using a timer for routine tasks like checking e-mail, surfing the web, and connecting on Twitter because it does limit me to a certain amount of time. Once the timer goes off, I force myself to either log-off or move on to a different task. If you haven’t seen it already, I would really recommend checking out the Pomodoro Technique which is a completely free time management system that involves a fairly foolproof system and a snazzy plastic tomato.
5.) Get out!
Finally, once you are done with your creative process, make it a point to leave your workspace for a little while before you start doing other routine tasks like checking e-mail, Twitter, Facebook, surfing the web, etc… Go to the kitchen and get some food, or better yet go outside and get some exercise you pasty stereotypical artist you!
What other tips or techniques do you use to help get more stuff done?
Do you believe listening to music while you work is inspiring or distracting?

Actions Not Words: 12 Ways Men Show That They Are Truly In Love With A Woman

In some conversations that I have with women regarding a man they are just starting to date, or even one they have been with for awhile, I often hear how he is not as verbal as they would like when it comes to showing their affection. Many things I suggest in my article suggest open and free communication between men and women in terms of showing how they value each other, but the truth is, it takes a certain kind of man to frequently put his feelings into words for you.
It is not better or worse, it does not mean more or mean less, it just shows that men all express their affection in their own ways (as do women, of course).
So, even if your guy isn’t telling you how he feels, here are some ways he might show you.
1. He brings you around his friends.
Or family. Or whoever is closest to him. When a man starts to make you part of the important things in his life, it is a good sign that he is serious about you. He wants others to experience the happiness that you bring to his life (and maybe show you off a little bit — in a good way because he is proud to be with you).
2. He stays close to you physically.
It could be keeping his arm around you, hugging you randomly, or cuddling up on the couch — a man who truly cares and enjoys your company will always want to be in close proximity to you. Physical contact, even when ‘innocent,’ sends non-verbal messages that are worth paying attention to.
3. He really listens to you.
One of the major things that men often get accused of is being terrible listeners. Whether we don’t remember that it was your friend’s birthday this weekend, or which scented candle was your favorite one at the store — the small details matter most. A man who really cares for you will listen intently and do his best to absorb all of the details that he can. It is his way of showing you that he values you and what you have to say.
4. He is all smiles after you kiss.
You know, that feeling…
5. He stays in touch with you just because.
Two people who genuinely enjoy each other’s company don’t need a reason to talk to each other. If he texts or calls you just to say hello, to see how your day is going, or to say good morning and goodnight, it is a clear sign that he thinks about you often and wants you to know it.
6. He doesn’t care what you do, as long as you’re together.
Oh, you have to go grocery shopping today or go out and get things for your party this weekend? Count him in. For the man who wants to spend as much time with you as he can, it’s not just going to be on date night or when you are intimate together. A meaningful relationship is just as much about sharing in everyday things together, as it is about the exciting things.
7. He mirrors your behavior and body language.
While some of us recognize this as an effective form of communication as well as a method to make someone more comfortable around us, many people will just become so in-tune with the person they are with that they subconsciously start duplicating gestures, positions, or postures. If you find him touching your arm after you touch his, uncrossing his legs after you uncross yours, or leaning in to you during conversation after you lean in to him — it shows he is paying close attention to you, whether he realizes it or not.
8. He puts thought into the gifts he gives you.
While, obviously, special occasions are not the only time that a man (or woman) should do something special for you, they are more traditional in the sense that it is an opportunity to slow our lives down and show somebody how much we appreciate them. Whether it is a gift you have wanted or an experience you have desired to partake in — a man who really cares about you will not just pick up a stuffed animal and some flowers at the store. He will do something special that is clearly specifically for you.
9. He compromises.
No great relationship was ever built on the foundation of “what’s in it for me?” A man who is just playing the field will have no reason to sacrifice his own self-interest for somebody… unless he feels something deeper for them. When we begin to develop love for someone, we want to see them happy, even if that means putting our own self-interests aside for the sake of theirs. Her happiness becomes our happiness.
This is not to say he will become a doormat — there is a big difference between compromise and sacrifice. It goes both ways.
10. He will go pick up your dry-cleaning.
Or whatever it is that you don’t have time to do yourself. He will put in the effort to help you out in order to make your life easier, just because. A man who is not serious about you will not be around often enough, nor willing enough, to do these things.
11. He asks for your advice.
If a man asks you for your advice on a decision he is trying to make or a situation that he is in, it means he values your opinion enough to take you seriously and actually use it as a guiding light in his own life. If a man values your thoughts, it means he values you.
12. He will always make you feel safe.
Men are naturally protective. Millions of years of biological evolution has brought us to the point where we naturally want to protect those we love, whether they need it or not. It could mean protecting you from getting hurt emotionally or physically, but protecting nonetheless.
A man who loves and cares for you will make you feel safe. He will never make you question whether or not he will be there for you in a time of need. He will stand by your side when he must, in front of you when he must, and behind you when he must. He will be your teammate through life.
A man who loves you will make you feel it in his own ways. When he really cares, you will know it — if he doesn’t, you will be wondering all the time if he does.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

     Top facts from CrazeClown’s biography

If you know this person, then you probably adore his jokes. Crazeclown biography is another success story which all young Nigerians should know if they want to make it in life. He is known as Dr. CrazeClown or just “Papa-Ade.” Let’s check some interesting facts in the biography of this comedian!

CrazeClown Profile

The real name of this famous comedian is Emmanuel Ogonna Iwueke. He was born on the 24th of December 1991. CrazeClown age for today is 26. By the way, he is not married! CrazeClown has amassed hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. He is also a Medical graduate.

Emmanuel Iwueke is one of the rising comedy stars in Nigeria. He became popular thanks to his short comedy skits on YouTube. He is now also a NairaBet brand ambassador.

CrazeClown Background

CrazeClown was not the only child in his family. His parents also have three more boys and one girl. His father is from Imo State while his mother was born in Edo. Both his parents are in the medical industry. That’s why CrazeClown decided to follow their steps and pursue medicine.

His is a proud son of his parents. In many interviews, CrazeClown expressed his love for his family. They are very helpful and provide moral support when he needed it.

CrazeClown was also very close to his father. They often played pranks on each other. CrazeClown finished school in 2008. He also studied at Kharkiv National Medical University (Ukraine). However, he is more of a comedian these days. He is a source of laughter for many people.

CrazeClown Career

He started his comedy sketches at the very young age. He was even able to host several events in his own school. CrazeClown is very passionate about entertainment and medicine.

His first appearance was in 2013 with his YouTube skits. He is one of the most followed Nigerians on Instagram. He is now one of the biggest Instagram comedy actors in Nigeria. CrazeClown audience consists of various types of people of different ages and demography.

He is not only an Instagram star but also a professional entertainer! He is currently trying to set up his new brand – “Craze Clown Production.” He hopes it will become a strong force in the TV and Media sphere of Nigeria. His other main project is “House of Craze.”

He is working on getting a team of professionals who can help him bring his projects into reality. For now, he works with Victor O. Frank. He’s the CEO of “Studio Four Production.” CrazeClown believes that with the help of this professional, his comedy skits will be taken to a new level. To make himself stand out, he also has a personalized clothing brand for his fans.

CrazeClown also wants to get more talents at his shows! That’s why he recently organized the Common Sense 2015! This competition ran for one month, and the winner got a $500 price.

Unfortunately, there were also dark pages in CrazeClown biography. His father passed away two years ago. CrazeClown believes that he is still connected to his father and somewhere in Heaven his father is watching him. This comedian is a faithful believer in God.

On his social media, it’s evident that the death of his father was very painful for him. However, CrazeClown believes that his father is in the better world.


Now you know that CrazeClown real name is Emmanuel Ogonna Iwueke. He is one of the most famous comedians in Nigeria. He has won several awards including Naija Youths Choice and Naija FM Comedy Awards.

CrazeClown is very passionate about his comedy. Therefore, you can expect more projects from this talented guy!

Beef alert!!! – Reekado Banks says he’s better than Lil Kesh’s father

Reekado Banks could be starting off a beef with Lil Kesh; a beef that would fill the vacuum left by Wizkid and Davido’s reconciliation in the industry, as he recently referred to himself as being better than Lil Kesh’s father.

Amidst his performance at the "Thank You Concert" in Ibadan, Reekado Banks put forth a braggadocios expression by certifying he is superior to the nominees of the award that sparked up a beef between Don Jazzy and Olamide in 2015.

Back then, Lil Kesh, Kiss Daniel, Cynthia Morgan and Korede Bello were named as the chosen people in the Next Rated classification of the 2015 Headies Award which Reekado Banks asserted in questionable condition. You know the story.

Lil Kesh was especially supported to assert the honor. However, Reekado Banks bagged it and is now bragging about that past honor. On stage, he said, “the individual wey you think say better pass me, I better pass him, dad.” From all indications, the person spoken of by the singer is none else but Lil Kesh, and this could lead to an extended beef.

Reekado Banks further encouraged the group of onlookers at the Ibadan show to chant the words "Reekado Banks is way better" however he was met with a stunning response, as the reverse turned out to be the case.

Many Nigerian Female Students Are Walking Dead, Because They Have Been Used For Yahoo Plus – Yahoo Boy

I came across an old friend of mine, mehn you needed to see his car, modern benz flashy rims and see his dressing we got to talk and I asked him the way forward, he said he did gee (Yahoo) and I was like how did you get this far?

He replied ” i plus up nw” asin (yahoo plus+) and I went forward to ask what he did, he didn’t even hide it maybe bcz he trusted me this was what he told me.

“My guy as I start this gee tin e no pay me imagine clients go dey give me $200 why nw na em i go one baba like that, the man assure me say I go hit jack pot na just to do some rituals.

At first I shake but after I go meet the man him give me hanky say if I sleep with any girl of my choice make I make sure say she sleep after sex then use the hanky clean the pussy then bring am for am.

My guy after i do am i go give the man like after 2 months everything begin click for me o sometimes e dey hard bcz you go do some girls the baba go say dem don use dem”.

Jesus, I was shocked I couldn’t believe my ears he went on to say most Nigerian university female students are walking dead and empty vessels and he said he has been doing this for like 9 months.

Just imagine the amount of innocent girls that are useless just bcz of material tinz. I am sorry to say but most of you girls are in big soup you need deep deliverance.

Monday, 1 January 2018

39-year-old father came home from prison & impregnated his 17-year-old daughter and they are both happy

Full text of President Buhari’s New Year message

RELATED TOPICS: I join my fellow citizens this morning to welcome and celebrate the New Year 2018. This year promises to be pivotal in our quest for CHANGE.
Unfortunately, I am saddened to acknowledge that for many this Christmas and New Year holidays have been anything but merry and happy. Instead of showing love, companionship and charity, some of our compatriots chose this period to inflict severe hardship on us all by creating unnecessary fuel scarcity across the country.
The consequence was that not many could travel and the few who did had to pay exorbitant transport fares. This is unacceptable given that NNPC had taken measures to ensure availability at all depots. I am determined to get to the root of this collective blackmail of all Nigerians and ensure that whichever groups are behind this manipulated hardship will be prevented from doing so again.
Such unpatriotism will not divert the Administration from the course we have set ourselves. Our government’s watch word and policy thrust is CHANGE. We must change our way of doing things or we will stagnate and be left behind in the race to lift our people out of poverty and into prosperity.
My address to fellow Nigerians this morning is devoted mainly to informing you about the intense efforts this Administration is putting to address our country’s huge infrastructural deficit.
We are going to make significant in-roads in advancing road, rail and power projects across the country.
The Ministry of Power, Works and Housing is one of the drivers of this Government’s commitment to renew and increase Nigeria’s stock of infrastructure in order to achieve global economic competitiveness as targeted under the Economic Recovery and Growth Plan.
With regards to Railways, we have set ourselves ambitious targets. Already in construction stage is the Lagos-Kano Standard Gauge Railway.
The line should reach Ibadan from Lagos by the end of 2019 and will carry two million passengers per year and five million tons of cargo will be transported every year giving a substantial boost to the country’s economy.
Construction of the Kano – Kaduna segment is expected to commence this year and reach Kaduna by the end of 2019. By the end of 2021 the two ends will be joined so that we will have standard gauge railway across the main North-South trading route.
Warning to Men, These 3 Foods is Slowly Killing Your Erection
The Abuja – Kaduna route will be boosted by additional rolling stock next Thursday and will be able to handle one million commuters annually.
At the same time I have approved and negotiations will be concluded in the first part of this year for the Port Harcourt to Maiduguri line covering Aba, Owerri, Umuahia, Enugu, Awka, Abakaliki, Makurdi, Lafia, Jos, Bauchi, Gombe, Yola and Damaturu. The Abuja to Itakpe line will go through Baro and terminate in Warri with construction of a new seaport at Warri.
Negotiations are also advanced for the construction of other railway lines, firstly from Kano to Maradi in Niger Republic passing through Kazaure, Daura, Katsina, Jibia to Maradi.
Secondly, Lagos to Calabar the “Coastal Rail” through Ore, Benin, Agbor, Asaba, Onitsha, Sapele, Ughelli, Warri, Yenagoa, Otuoke, Port Harcourt, Aba, Uyo and Calabar. In the next few years, all these Nigerian cities will be linked by functional modern rail systems, giving enormous boost to the social and economic life of our people.
With respect to the Abuja Capital Light Rail, progress has reached 98% completion, as at 64% completion when we assumed office. Only test runs remain before start of operations.
This train service will stimulate economic activities in the Federal Capital and provide residents with an efficient and safe transportation system. Twelve railway sub-stations around the capital over a 45.2 kilometre route will serve as a catalyst and a pull factor to the economy of the area. The Light Rail System will reduce traffic congestion and carbon emission in line with the Administration’s policy on climate change.
Management of the Federal Road Maintenance Agency (FERMA) has been reconstituted and has been charged with a 12 week rapid intervention in road repairs to cover all the geo-political zones. Government is undertaking repairs and maintenance of 44 roads within the six geo-political zones.
Twenty five major highways will be funded under the N100b SUKUK facility. Each geo-political zone will benefit by an equal amount of N16.67b. The following major highways are to receive special attention:
a. Oyo – Ogbomosho,
b. Ofusu – Ore – Ajebandele – Shagamu,
c. Yenagoa Road Junction – Kolo Otuoke – Bayelsa Palm,
d. Enugu – Port Harcourt Dual Carriage Way,
e. Onitsha – Enugu Expressway,
f. Kaduna Eastern Bypass,
g. Dualization of Kano – Maiduguri Road,
h. Dualization of Abuja – Lokoja – Benin Road,
i. Dualization of Suleja – Minna Road.
In addition, Government has approved work to start on the re-construction of Abuja – Kaduna – Zaria – Kano road which is in a state of disrepair. Work will soon start and is expected to be completed in 2019.
More Nigerians across the country are experiencing improved power supply to their homes and businesses. However, power remains a concern to this government because too many people still do not have regular and reliable supply.
The Payment Assurance Guarantee Scheme which started in January 2016 has enabled the Nigerian Bulk Electricity Trader to raise so far N701 billion to assure Generation Companies of at least 80% payment for any power delivered to the national grid.
Consequently, generation has now reached 7,000MW. On December 8, 2017 the country achieved 5,155MW of power delivered to consumers, the highest level ever recorded.
Several moribund projects have been revived. Repairs of Afam Power Station added 110MW in 2017 and another 240MW will be added this year through a private investment partnership.
Katsina Power Project is now being tested and producing 10MW of power from wind for the first time in Nigeria. It should be fully operational this year.
The Zungeru 700MW Hydroelectric Power Project, stalled by court cases is due for completion in 2019. The transmission and other requirements to operate the 30MW Gurara Phase 1 Hydroelectric Plant, the 40MW Kashimbilla Hydroelectric Plant and the 215 MW Kaduna Gas/LPG/Diesel Power Plant will also be completed this year.
A landmark project, Mambilla Hydroelectric Power Project is at last taking off. This project has been on the drawing Board for 40 years, but now the engineering, procurement and construction contract for the 3,050MW project has been agreed with a Chinese joint venture Company with a financing commitment from the government of China. Completion is targeted for 2023.
As I mentioned earlier, the Transmission Company of Nigeria can now distribute all the 7,000MW that can be generated. TCN and the Niger Delta Holding Company have added 1,950MVA of 330 down to 132KV transformer capacity of 10 transmission stations and 2,930MVA of 132 down to 33KV transformer capacity of 42 sub-stations including Ikot Ekpene, Aba, Alagbon, Ajah, Ejigbo, Funtua and Zaria.
This Administration is working with the privatised distribution Companies to overcome the continuing challenges of distribution.
These massive public works should spearhead the recovery and lead millions back to employment. You will recall that it was not until last year that we got out of the economic recession into which the country had fallen as a consequence of past unsustainable economic policies which projected short-term illusory growth.
The government is slowly stabilizing the economy.
It was in order to change the steady and steep decline that we adopted the more sustainable policies and programmes captured in the Economic Recovery Plan. Diversification efforts have resulted in improved output particularly in agriculture and solid minerals sectors. The relative exchange rate stability has improved manufacturing sector performance.
We have got to get used to discipline and direction in economic management. The days of business as usual are numbered.
Two years ago I appealed to people to go back to the land. I am highly gratified that agriculture has picked up, contributing to the government’s effort to re-structure the economy. Rice imports will stop this year. Local rice, fresher and more nutritious will be on our dishes from now on.
By the same token, I am today appealing to enterprising Nigerians with ideas and unemployed graduates and other able-bodied and literate men and women with ideas not to just sit and wait for employment from the government or the Organized Private Sector. Great nations are built by enterprising people who turn their hands to anything that circumstances dictate.
In respect of political developments, I have kept a close watch on the on-going debate about “Restructuring”. No human law or edifice is perfect. Whatever structure we develop must periodically be perfected according to changing circumstances and the country’s socio-economic developments. We Nigerians can be very impatient and want to improve our conditions faster than may be possible considering our resources and capabilities. When all the aggregates of nationwide opinions are considered, my firm view is that our problems are more to do with process than structure.
We tried the Parliamentary system: we jettisoned it. Now there are shrill cries for a return to the Parliamentary structure. In older democracies these systems took centuries to evolve so we cannot expect a copied system to fit neatly our purposes. We must give a long period of trial and improvement before the system we have adopted is anywhere near fit for purpose.
However, there is a strong case for a closer look at the cost of government and for the public services long used to extravagance, waste and corruption to change for the better. I assure you that government is ever receptive to ideas which will improve governance and contribute to the country’s peace and stability.
As the electioneering season approaches politicians must avoid exploiting ethnicity and religion by linking ethnicity with religion and religion with politics. Such must be avoided at all costs if we are to live in harmony.
In this respect the rest of Nigeria could learn from the South Western States who have successfully internalized religion, ethnicity and politics.
Political discourse should be conducted with civility, decorum and in a constitutional manner. We all have a collective responsibility to strengthen our democracy and entrench the rule of law. We should draw encouragement from the series of bye-elections conducted by INEC last year which were generally violence free and their outcomes adjudged to be free and fair.
Before I conclude my address I must reassure my fellow citizens that security of life and property is still top of our government’s agenda. We have since beaten Boko Haram. Isolated attacks still occur, but even the best-policed countries cannot prevent determined criminals from committing terrible acts of terror as we have seen during the past years in Europe, Asia, Middle East, elsewhere in Africa and in America.
Our government remains determined to protect all Nigerians in line with our election pledge and promises. On behalf of all Nigerians let me offer our thanks to the Armed forces, the Police, other para-military forces and traditional authorities who are working round the clock to ensure that you and I go about our normal business in reasonable safety.
Terrorism and urban crimes are world-wide phenomena and our security forces are continuously adapting their responses to changing threats.
With regard to rampant cases of kidnappings, we are taking immediate short-term measures to combat this new evil creeping into our societies. Tighter police methods and swift and severe punishment for those proved to be engaged in kidnapping are on the way.
With respect to Niger Delta, Government is still engaging responsible leadership of the Communities to help in identifying and addressing genuine grievances of the region. Our clean-up programme in collaboration with the United Nations is making satisfactory progress.
I am grateful to all the Governors and other Political & Community leaders of the Niger Delta States for their part in bringing relative peace to the areas.
Finally let me again express my heartfelt thanks to all Nigerians who prayed for me during my illness last year. I feel deeply humbled by your prayers and good wishes and I am more determined than ever to serve you to the best of my ability.
Good morning. And I wish everyone a Happy New Year.

Guys, 10 Tips To Help You Understand Your Woman Better

Sahana Goswami says that it takes very little to please a woman – a hug, a smile, a look even at the right time is all it takes to make thingsbetter. The actress lists out little things that can help a man understand a woman better.1. It takes very little to please a woman – a hug, a smile, a look even at the right time is all it takes to make things better! And then you say women are complicated!
2. Women can lie when they need to and do it rather well. But if you’re clever enough you’ll know the difference in the tone – they’ll usually be unusually nice and sweet to cover up for the lie! But don’t be silly and doubt her when she happens to just feel more expressive and affectionate! That’s where your smartness will lie.. in knowing the difference!
3. All women don’t like playing mother to their men, so sit up and take some responsibility. We too like being the child every now and then you know.. So don’t over-rely on us for domestic needs, and once in a while do something special to pamper us too!
4. Don’t blame all fights and bad moods on PMS! Some of us don’t have it and for the ones that do, it’s not the only thing that irritates women. YOU men too can be the cause sometimes. And even if it is PMS, saying it’s because of that in the middle of a fight WILL NOT help! I would suggest stay mum, and we’ll probably realise it later anyway!
5. Women never dress well for just their own man, they do it for all the eyes in the room (including the women!). So beware when your girl’s all decked up, she might just be more happy getting someone else’s attention! The only thing you can do is give her the most attention, so she doesn’t have the scope to look elsewhere!
6. We can be really messy too so don’t expect us to clean up after you. And anyways, lacey bras and thongs lying around the room are more pleasing to the eyes than dirty boxers and y-fronts!
7. We need some major alone and me-time too! So if you have your boy escapade-trips, we girls have our own too! And it’s really not necessary for us to travel in a huge gang of girls. We can just take off alone! Makes the world seem more interesting that way and more chances of adventure! Haha!
8. We do seem to have some strange inexplicable attraction to men who are labelled ‘bad’, ‘unavailable’ or ‘not meant for us’. Not our fault that it’s only these men who seem to have more to offer in terms of personality and wicked charm!
9. If you wait a week or more to text us once you have our number, you better have an interesting story to back up for your laziness like skiing in Vermont or backpacking across the Pyrenees. Nothing else will qualify. Once you have our number, we expect a courtesy call or text message right away.
10. We’ve heard that guys like girls who aren’t ashamed to eat and drink well in front of them. So unless we have mayo dribbling down our chin or have drunk way too much to do anything expect throw-up, why would you judge us by our weight? Be and let be.

3 Reasons You SHOULD NOT Check Your Partner’s Phone

If you have a reason to doubt your partner, then there’s something seriously wrong and needs to be resolved at the earliest.
Why should you avoid checking your partner’s phone?

1. It’s a breach of trust: Instead of making things worse by snooping on your partner and secretly going through his phone, it’s best to eliminate all doubts by talking to him about your concerns.

2. A niggling doubt will only give rise to more suspicions: If you choose to ignore your doubts, they will eat you up from the inside and will influence every decision you make, which will be detrimental to your relationship in the long run.

3. What you see is not always true: Texts and emoticons can be interpreted in different ways. Sometimes, being quick to assume things without checking the facts can destroy a good relationship.
If you feel you have to keep an eye on him, you are…

Dealing with major issues: Trust is the foundation of any relationship, and if you don’t have that, it’s a sign that there is something seriously wrong. While no one is asking you to blindly believe whatever is being told to you, if there is even the slightest room for doubt, you should be asking yourself why. Also, think seriously about whether you should continue with the relationship or not.

Cross-Over Night: Enenche releases 2018 prophecies

The Senior Pastor, Dunamis International Gospel Centre (DIGC), Abuja, Dr Paul Enenche, has released 2018 prophecies declaring the New Year as the year of open doors.
Enenche predicted during the Cross Over Night service in Abuja that the year would mark a new beginning for the nation and its people as well as supernatural opening of new opportunities.
He added that 2018 would also be a year that God would release severe judgment upon the wicked and those holding the country to ransom.
According to him, it is a season that God shall do what he wants irrespective of what men want to restore the years of lost that the country has experienced.
“There shall be drastic shift in dimension in all realms in an unpredictable manner,’’ the cleric said.
On his part, Special Apostle Funsho Oshoro, the Chairman, Cherubim and Seraphim Movement, Abuja District Headquarters, said in his message that Nigerians should be upright in all they do.
Oshoro called on Nigerians to transform themselves in the year 2018, adding that the Federal Government will not be able to do it alone.
However, he admonished Nigerians to be politically and spiritually matured in all they do.
According to him, those that are in authority should do it well because if they do it right, automatically the Lord will see them through the year 2018.
“There is a lot of blessings but we must do it right with God; we must know him; we must plan and set a goal for ourselves for that is what we desire from God.
“Forget the past and failure of 2017 so as to be purposeful; get connected to God; walk with wise men that have evidence of prosperity in the sense that they have accomplished a lot.
“The message is not for the church alone. The message is for the whole country,’’ Oshoro said. (NAN)

Significant Goliath’s To Fall In Nigeria In 2018 – Pastor Adeboye 2018 Prophesies

Pastor Enoch Adeboye, the general overseer of the Redeemed Christian Church of God, RCCG on Monday morning at the crossover service to usher in the new year at the redemption camp headquarters of the church along Lagos- Ibadan Express, Mowe, Ogun State, made some chilling prophecies for individual members of the church, the country and the world at large.

For Nigeria, the revered man of God said that some significant goliath’s will fall this year, even though he refused to elaborate on this for obvious reasons, many already believe that the prophecy is targeted at political leaders and other high profile individuals in the country.

He also said that before the end of the year 2018, there will be rays of hope for the country and that by and large, all will still be well.

On the international scene, Pastor Adeboye predicted that the countdown to the end of the world has started. According to him, all the talk of global warming and the perverse laws being made by man to accommodate immorality in the world are signs that the end is near.

Other global pronouncements are:

– There will be less fire outbreak in 2018 but more flood

-There will be misunderstanding among nations but no major war

– Pray against assassination attempts globally

-There will be record-breaking temperatures both high and low

-There will be a handful of breakthroughs both scientific and medical

At the individual level, the man fondly referred to as Daddy GO by his followers said that stuborn mountains in the life of members will move this year.

He also said told the congregation that their future going forward is not in the hands of any government and as a result a lot of lost ground will be recovered in 2018.

Finally, Pastor Adeboye equally informed them that saboteurs in their life will be disgraced and displaced.


T B Joshua’s prophesies for 2018


Founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nations, Prophets T B Joshua, has revealed what his members and followers should expect in 2018.

The prophet, while speaking during a Cross Over service held at the church’s headquarters in Ikotun area of Lagos, prophesied that every unfavourable situation in the year 2017 ended with the year.

He said, “On behalf of Prophet TB Joshua and the Emmanuel TV family worldwide, we wish you all a Happy New Year!!!

“Let the relationship between you and God in this New Year be reestablished in Jesus’ Name! Receive a free spirit – a spirit that is free from offence, bitterness, unforgiveness and pain of the past. Receive it in Jesus’ name, I command!”

“Every unfavourable situation you have faced in the year 2017 has ended with the year! Every unfavourable situation in your business, career, marriage – cease, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“As you enter the New Year, whatever barrier between you and the Spirit of God – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Whatever wall between you and God – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ!”
“In the New Year, you are called to God’s kind of lifestyle. I mean, His Divine essence in terms of faithfulness, steadfastness and love. Love your neighbour as yourself.”

He said, “On behalf of Prophet TB Joshua and the Emmanuel TV family worldwide, we wish you all a Happy New Year!!!

“Let the relationship between you and God in this New Year be reestablished in Jesus’ Name! Receive a free spirit – a spirit that is free from offence, bitterness, unforgiveness and pain of the past. Receive it in Jesus’ name, I command!”

“Every unfavourable situation you have faced in the year 2017 has ended with the year! Every unfavourable situation in your business, career, marriage – cease, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“As you enter the New Year, whatever barrier between you and the Spirit of God – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ! Whatever wall between you and God – be removed, in the name of Jesus Christ!”

“In the New Year, you are called to God’s kind of lifestyle. I mean, His Divine essence in terms of faithfulness, steadfastness and love. Love your neighbour as yourself.”

Sunday, 31 December 2017

5 Things Your Girl Will Say, But Won't Mean

Guys, if you're girl says any of the following things, chances are she doesn't mean them literally. Here's some phrases to watch out for!
1. I’m fine
If your girl says this, I'm 100% sure she isn't fine. Be aware - she will be throwing major passive aggressive remarks at you to after that. Never believe she's fine, until she proves it.
2. Yeah it’s fine if you’re with your girl friends
Ah, there's that "fine" word again. Nope, she isn't okay with it. Maybe there's a particular girl that strikes her as a threat or that has done something to her that you shouldn't be okay with. Don't ever let your girl control who you do and don't hang out with, but consider if you would be okay with her hanging out with a guy that is a threat to you or you've had problems with before.
3. I’m not mad
Yes. Yes she is mad. Again, she'll start throwing passive remarks at you that maybe you'll take the hint at. Chances are, she is mad and she wants to talk about it. However, she doesn't want you to be mad that she's mad, so she'll fake it until you realize it :)
4. I’ll just stay home
What ever you're doing, you better do it with her! No, she doesn't want to stay home while you go out and have a good time with out her. She wants to go too. She wants to make those memories with you too. Or she just wants to be with you and only you that night. Don't ever leave her lonely.
5. Yeah, I promise I’ll order the cheapest thing off the menu
Nah, she just wants to go out fam. She wants to have a nice date night at a restaurant. To be honest, she isn't looking out prices, just whatever she's in the mood for. She doesn't mean to break your wallet either, she's just hungry.

10+ Signs a Guy Likes You but Is Trying Not To Show It

If a guy is attracted to you, you can easily tell as guys are usually simple to figure out than women. You won't need any special algorithms to find if a guy is in love with you or not, but there are women who can get confused to catch these signs. To resolve this, I bring you a list so you can find you the signs a guy likes you but is trying not to show it.

7 Types Of Men Women Can’t Say No To

Always wondered why some guys always manage to get the best of girls? Well, the secret is not good looks or a well-defined six pack, but the fact that women simply get attracted to certain personality traits and flock to men who possess them.
Below are seven of these “ideal types” of guys that women are drawn to, and an explanation as to why these guys are so appealing, reports Fox News. The list could help you understand what women are looking for, and most importantly, to make sure that you fit the bill.

1. The intelligent one
He instigates conversations that are intellectually stimulating, and listens to what she has to say in response. He makes her laugh with his clever sense of humour, and has an uncanny ability to make politics interesting. He can shoot the breeze with her for hours, and it will never get boring.
Why he is so irresistible
An intellectual connection is a big part of what sustains a relationship, and if you can show her that you’ve got that, she’ll be hooked pretty quickly.
2. The confident guy
He is totally secure and sure of himself. He is assertive in public, and gives off an aura of power and control. In a relationship, he doesn’t get jealous of other men; he doesn’t feel threatened by his girlfriend’s male friends or co-workers.
Why he is so irresistible
Women are attracted to confident men. Consider this: If you think you are great, she will probably be influenced to think the same. The confident man doesn’t seek approval from women, and this makes them want him even more.

3. The artistic guy
The artistic guy is spontaneous and lives for the moment. Often, he will use his creativity to woo her, such as with a song he has written about her or a painting he has made for her.
Why he is so irresistible
Every woman wants to feel unique and special. There is no better way to make her feel this way than to use her as your muse or your source of inspiration. She is intrigued by the artistic guy’s creative mind, and especially by the way he incorporates her into his art.

4. The exotic element
He comes from a faraway exotic country, and has a cute accent or a unique way of seeing the world. His social customs, and everyday behaviour can be a little quirky, but he always manages to come off as uniquely charming.
Why he is so irresistible
Women often choose this kind of guy if they are curious about the world, but most of the appeal comes down to a fascination with dating someone from another culture.

5. The considerate guy
He holds open her car door, and pulls out her chair. He foots the bill for dinner, and makes sure to offer her dessert. He always asks her out with reasonable notice, and picks her up at her door. He is generally sensitive to how she is feeling, and when she is ready to go home.
Why he is so irresistible
Once a woman has gone through her share of the bad guy, the rude guy and the not-calling-her-back guy, she will likely re-evaluate her priorities. It takes a bit of maturity on her part to realize this, but eventually most girls come around and realize that they want a guy who will treat them well in the long run. But, think twice before copying any of the above character types, for women can know when you are faking it.

6. Eternal romantic
He believes in classic romance. He is constantly bringing her flowers, chocolate and lighting candles during dinner. He calls her often to let her know he is thinking about her, and looks into her eyes and tells her how he feels.
Why he is so irresistible
A woman loves to feel appreciated, and the romantic guy makes this happen. He uses romantic gestures to show her he is thinking about her. As an added bonus, she feels free to reciprocate and act on her own romantic tendencies.

7. The free spirit guy (aka the Bad Boy)
The free spirit guy goes where the wind takes him, and the wind usually takes him on some kind of whacky adventure. He might ride a motorcycle, or he might skip work to take her on a last-minute road trip, but this guy doesn’t worry too much about the consequences – he just sees where his own devices take him.
Why he is so irresistible
Every woman wants a bit of a rebel. She loves his carefree attitude and hopes that it will rub off on her too. The bad boy spirit adds an element of youthfulness to the relationship, and she loves to try taming him, although she knows she’ll never actually succeed

5 big mistakes people make when choosing a spouse

Marriage they say is not a child's play and the ring they say is the smallest handcuff.

What else could be more frustrating for a bride on her wedding night than a husband with eraser size dick?  (Pinterest)

Marriage they say is not a child's play and the ring they say is the smallest handcuff.

Love they also say is blind but in choosing a life partner it's time you open those closed eyes. Below are five huge mistakes people make when choosing a spouse.

They will change

This is not to say your partner is completely flawed but there are some people that are not compatible. Hence, when you decide to make the person your life partner this would become an issue because you will expect them to change but rather to your disappointment they might never. So If you can't cope with your partner and you two seem to be going in opposite direction it is better to let he/she go than bank on them changing.

I'm getting Old

"All my friends are married"

People are quick to make this mistake and then marry anybody that comes their way. Quite alright you are getting old but then again why jeopardize yourself and marry the wrong spouse all in the name of age. The fact that you are getting old shouldn't be a reason to choose wrongly

Blind Love

You need to understand that you are choosing a life partner in essence this person is going to be with you for life. Don't be blinded by love and ignore some signs and make a big mistake in choosing a partner.

Get intimate quickly

The fact that you and a person click instantly does not mean you have the person figured out. Because you are quick to get intimate and you feel love struck and probably over the moon and you can't control yourself then you feel he/she is the one. Please be wise and know that this is initial overwhelming attitude and it's not a factor in choosing a life partner.


When you try to escape from your state of loneliness and probably unhappiness and then just pick a spouse. Remember it's a life long affair and the fact that you were lonely prior to it won't see you through it.

Marriage is a different ball game hence it needs commitment, zeal, true love, tolerance and other factors you must have weighed to be successful.

2018: Oyadara releases prophecies on Obasanjo, Atiku, Tinubu, Ambode, PDP, Osinbajo

As church leaders and prominent prophets keep announcing God’s revelations to them concerning 2018, the founder and general overseer of Christ for All Peoples Church, Ojoo, Lagos State, Prophet Samuel Oyadara, has revealed what God told him concerning former President Olusegun Obasanjo, and former Vice President, Alhaji Atiku Abubakar.

He also dropped revelation concerning a National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, Ahmed Bolaji Tinubu and Vice President Prof. Osinbajo.

The cleric called on Obasanjo to repent and beg God for forgiveness of his sins before he dies and told Tinubu, to pray against plot to assassinate him in 2018.

Oyadara said all this in his 2018 predictions released to Tribune; he also told Lagos Governor Akinwunmi Ambode to pray against accident.‎

He said, “God is warning Obasanjo to repent before he dies. Osinbajo needs to pray hard to escape plan of the enemies. Tinubu should pray against assassination.”‎

He also claimed that there is no God’s anointed presidential candidate for 2019, noting that God revealed to him that President Muhammadu Buhari would be working towards rallying strong political forces in the North to make him win his 2nd Term as president of Nigeria in 2019.

He added, “What Atiku Abubakar must do if he wants to rule Nigeria is that he would need to conquer his strong political enemies through serious prayers.‎

“I saw PDP umbrella rising up,” he said, adding that a former president, who he did not mention, would fall sick in the coming year.

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