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Friday, 21 February 2020

How To Make Your Mouth Not Smell In The Morning After You Wake Up

Most people when they wake up in the morning have a very bad breath and you sometimes wonder how people in TV after wake up k**s

The solution is here;

You can stop bad breath by brushing at night before you sleep and that does not mean your mouth might not still smell but drinking a bottle of spirit mixed with a little salt can help keep the mouth hydrated and keep your mouth fresh when you wake up if repeated it has a wonderful way of giving you a good breath work

What causes bad breath ?

Dry mouth is most likely to blame. Saliva is responsible for removing the bacteria that can cause bad breath. When we sleep, saliva production decreases significantly. Certain medications can cause dry mouth, making morning breath even worse.

Try this and see

What to do if you are not progressing as the first son of your family

Truly there are forces behind every first son not progressing in their families even after attaining the highest level of education still you can't move forward

So many first born have be stalled from reaching their potentials due to one reason or the other which leaves you struggling but there's always a way out of such problem

This is what to do take care of such forces weighing you down

1.Know what the problem is by visiting a seer(prophets or prophetess)

2.Ask your parents the kind of family your born into if there's a deity their forefathers pledged their alliance to

3.Visit a true native doctor and he will tell you what to do

4.Ask your mother to pray for you and extract her blessings

5.Carry out every prayer or sacrifices your being asked to do after finding out what the problem is

6.still go for a total deliverance and also bring a man of God to your maternal home to pray

Hope you find this useful..kindly like and share

Thursday, 20 February 2020

3 Things That Destroy Relationships Apart From Cheating

There are worse things than cheating.

Infidelity is the betrayal our society focuses on, but it is actually the subtle, unnoticed betrayals that truly ruin relationships. When partners do not choose each other day after day, trust and commitment erode away.

Partners may be aware of this disloyalty to each other, but dismiss it because it’s "not as bad as an affair." This is false. Anything that violates a committed relationship’s contract of mutual trust, respect, and protection can be disastrous.

Betrayals are founded on two building blocks: deception (not revealing your true needs to avoid conflict), and a yearning for emotional connection from outside the relationship.

Below are three betrayals that ruin relationships, and only by confronting and taking responsibility for them can couples reestablish their trust in each other:

1. Emotional cheating

It’s very easy for platonic friends to bond in the trenches of work, day after day. Sometimes we call this person a "work wife" or "work husband." Even friendships made at the gym or local coffee shop can threaten the bond at home.

These non-sexual relationships can lead to both parties sharing intimate details about each other’s lives. That doesn’t make it a betrayal. What makes it a betrayal is this: if your partner would be upset by the things you’ve shared or would be uncomfortable watching the interaction.

Tom first learns of his wife’s sexless affair when they hosted a Christmas party. Emily has never mentioned Chris, the new manager of her department. At the party, Chris seems to know about Emily’s entire life. He even brought their son Marshall a Bumblebee Transformer, his favorite.

Tom looks at Emily with a shocked expression. Her sheepish look sinks his heart. When he confronts her after the party, Emily argues about her friendship with Chris. She tells Tom it’s "nothing" because they are "just friends."

She then turns against Tom and defends Chris. She accuses Tom of being irrationally jealous and tells him it’s the reason he didn’t know about Chris in the first place. Tom feels there is nothing irrational about his jealousy.

Whether he admits it or not, his wife is cheating. The evidence lies in her secrecy. These are signs that your partner’s friendship is not an innocent friendship:

Has the friendship been hidden?

Are your questions about the friendship responded with “don’t worry” or discouragement?

Have you asked it to end, only to have your partner tell you no?

Have your boundaries been disrespected?

Is the friend the subject of fantasies or comments during troubled times in the relationship?

If you answered "yes" to any of the questions above, the friendship may be too intimate. You need to talk to your partner about the issue.

2. Conditional love

Couples don’t feel supported when one partner keeps a foot out of the relationship. They don’t feel like their partner has their best interests at heart, that they have their back. When this happens, it’s not uncommon for the betrayed partner to blame a trigger as the real problem, when it’s actually the lack of commitment.

As Kristina reflects on her first marriage, she knows she began to feel betrayed when her husband stalled on starting a family. At first she thought he was anxious about becoming a father, but in couples therapy it became clear that he was hesitant to deepen his commitment to her.

Like an anxious lover, she clung onto him with desperation, terrified of losing her marriage... until she realized she never really had one to begin with.

Sometimes, a partner may pressure the other to marry or move in, believing the "next level" will deepen their connection, but it’s difficult for a marriage to succeed if it is built on a vow to create a strong bond rather than the result of one. The shallowness of the bond will eventually bleed through the connection.

Steps to create unconditional love: When couples ignore or dismiss talking about difficult issues, they are left with a shallow commitment. By using conflict as a catalyst for closeness, couples can intentionally use problems as an opportunity to discuss their goals, fears, and dreams.

Couples that unconditionally love each other live by the motto,"Baby, when you hurt, the world stops and I listen."

3. Emotional withdrawal

Emotional withdrawal can be something big, like choosing a work meeting over a family funeral, or it can be as small as turning away when your partner needs emotional support.

A committed relationship requires both partners to be there for each other through the life-altering traumas and everyday nuisances. That means celebrating joys and successes with your partner, too.

Everybody has different ways of expressing themselves. In a committed relationship, it is the responsibility of both partners to uncover and disclose these preferences to understand what the other requires to feel loved, protected, and supported.

Emotional withdrawal sets in when bids are ignored.

Solution: To improve your emotional connection, focus on rebuilding and updating your Love Maps, cultivating a culture of admiration and fondness, and turning towards bids more often.

Do any of the items listed above feel familiar or make you feel uneasy? If so, you may be facing a betrayal. Maybe it’s as serious as finding discomforting text messages between your partner and someone else. This list is not about who is right or wrong.

Like sexual affairs, these betrayals can be overcome if you recognize the problem and repair the relationship together.

Things Men Hate In A Relationship, Number 3 Is Very Important

There are alot of things that help sustain relationships. Love is not enough, you have to understand the general being of the person you are with and also some specific things about him. So knowing this, you can be a different kind of girl, and most importantly be a matured one because every man hate them. Lets get started:


Oh yes! I bet you didnt know. Its okay to protect your man but stop spying on him, looking for whos texting him and who hes texting, who just called and who he calls. Checking his watsapp messages and facebook messenger.

Realize this fact: he chose you, not them. If he wanted to be with other girls, he would, and not you.

Spying gives you off as an insecure woman and that will drive your man into the arms of another woman.

No man wants to feel caged. If you think hes cheating, talk with him, or ask him questions. If you cant deal with it or don't like his answers, then peacefully end the relationship.

Dont spy


Oh yeah, sweetheart ! Its okay to be territorial you know, protecting whats yours, and protecting your space, but jealousy is a NO!

Being jealous would be hurting yourself all the time because youll always feel uncomfortable when he is talking to a girl. Even when theres nothing going on, youll think something is. You will become paranoia.

When jealous youll see yourself having irrational thoughts and even acting on them. Men avoid jealous women but once you show you aint jealous, it sends the message that you are super-confident..

A jealous woman is a dangerous one. As she can act crazy out of jealousy.

We hear and see in the news what women do to their men because of jealousy.

There is a line between jealousy and been territorial. Know it.

3. Never offering to pay

It’s just rude not to make the obligatory reaching-for-your-wallet movement. And once you’ve been dating for a while, actually make a point of paying for drinks, dessert, or movie tickets now and then.

Make sure he feels like your boyfriend, not an ATM.

Give him a threat. It mustn't be on valentines say, birthday or whatever. Sometimes just spoil him.

3. Constantly complaining about people you don’t like

Men don’t engage in this kind of mean-girl drama, and hearing you do it just irritates them. It also makes them wonder if you’re complaining about him to your other friends – so save the snark for your girlfriends.

Your boyfriend doesn’t want to see those annoying post about that gal you hate everytime.

4. Not saying what she means

Take this situation, for example: “No, I don’t mind if you go out with your friends instead of taking me to a movie tonight,” a woman says, tapping her foot and looking away with her arms folded. Although her mouth is saying quite literally, “No, I don’t mind,” her body is saying she does mind. Women expect the men in their lives to read their nonverbal cues. Some men fail to read the nonverbal cues of the women in their lives. When this happens, an argument is almost always the result, because the woman feels that she communicated her feelings to the man and he ignored her.

These little common things is why your man will leave you for a less attractive person and be happy with them.

10 Major Reasons You Look Older Than Your Age.

Our society today has subjected us to various unhealthy lifestyle, which in turn has brought about a down turn in our health and physical appearance.

Many of us in turn ignorantly play daily to the hazardous life deteriorating games pushed to us by life, sometimes unintentionally, sometimes irresistibly and sometimes intentionally. This in turn never leaves us without the physical consequences, making one look older than they really are.

Here I am going to briefly revealing few out of the many reasons why we look older than our ages below,

 1. You Act Your Age

The mind wins over matter when it comes to aging, because studies show that people who thrive in old age think younger.

  Infact, having a positive self-perception of aging can mean up to an additional 7.5 years in longevity, and those over 40 who remain positive feel up to 20% younger than their than their biological age. So therefore, "A you think in your heart, so are you!", think wisely, smartly but don't think old.

2. You Don't Boost Your Physical Activity

It is very essential to make sure you’re active daily – recent research shows that vigorous exercise, particularly high-intensity interval training, can slow aging by almost a decade at a cellular level! Exercise also increases blood flow, moving oxygen and nutrients to working cells in the body – skin included – promoting a more youthful look.

 Exercise is also linked to maintaining muscle mass and strength, maintaining more brain volume, in areas that affect motor control and coordination, fewer menopause-related hot flashes, improved memory and brain function with age, and adding nearly 5 years to your lifespan!. Now get busy getting younger, don't just sit and watch yourself get old. Do those little strolls, walk escorts and dancing, do what you love doing to keep your body active and looking younger.

 3. You Expose Yourself To The Sun Alot

Welcome to my part of the world (Nigeria) where our sunny days are like a few distance from hell to earth. In this part of my world, and everyother parts I will give you a priceless advice, Always, always, always wear sunscreen with at least a 30 SPF rating, and make sure it’s broad-spectrum (blocks both UVA and UVB rays). Doesn’t matter if the day is cloudy or bright – the UV rays are always there. And remember to reapply every few hours so it continues to protect your skin.

 Damage from the sun’s UVA and UVB ultraviolet light is linked to about 90% of the visible signs of aging, UV rays break down elastin, the tissue that gives skin its elasticity, resulting in a dull, saggy appearance, and they also cause uneven skin tone, wrinkles, and age spots. The damage may not show for years, so early prevention is critical to stay forever young (speaking with the voice of Bob Dylan )

4. You Don't Eat A Plant-Rich Diet

Staying young and healthy is easier when you eat a healthy diet of mostly fruits and vegetables supplemented with lean protein and whole grains. These foods provide key nutrients that support healthy aging inside and out. Fruits & veggies also boost your intake of important phytonutrients that help defend against damaging free-radicals. You can start making this a habit by eating fruits and vegetables based on its seasons, then it did be very fresh and affordable. Don't miss out in eating as much as possible a each fruits or vegetables as it comes (as e de hot!)

5. You Don't Drink Plenty of Water

You Want that ever young radiance without the diverse combination of chemicals and all the harsh procedures? Drink 6-8 glasses of filtered water each day to keep skin supple and support optimum health.

Dehydration causes skin to become dry and wrinkled. Proper hydration ensures tissues and skin cells are replenished, allowing for younger, healthier-looking skin.so don't get scared of getting drown by drinking alot of water, because that's just one vital factor needed to look younger,aside that your skin shrinks and wrinkles are revealed earlier than normal.

6. You Over Indulge In Too Alcohol & Caffeine

This has nothing to do with religious sentiments and personal beliefs, the old saying "Too much of everything is bad" never disappoints. Much as Alcohol (in moderation) can have some health benefits, but too much alcohol and caffeine has a negative impact on both your health and appearance.

Alcohol and caffeine dehydrate and deplete your body of vital nutrients. Alcohol causes blood vessels in the face to dilate, and drinking too much has the potential to make these effects permanent, resulting in an unpleasant flushed appearance and red, spidery veins – never good if you want to look younger.

7. You Consume Too Much Calories

Eating higher calories has been linked to shorter lifespan while eating fewer calories has been linked to longer lifespan. And other studies have shown that exercising and restricting calories lowers production of a thyroid hormone called T3, slowing metabolism and helping slow the aging process.

The Japanese have the world’s oldest population as well as the greatest proportion of centenarians (people aged 100 and over), and much of their philosophy of how to feel younger and live longer centers around diet and avoiding overeating. Mind your diet, because it keeps records of those who abuse it and recorns them later in life with early old age.

 8. Exercise Your Brain

“Use it or lose it” is true when it comes to brain function. In the same way that physical exercise helps the brains fitness by improving both long-term and episodic memory as well as concentration, brain exercises may be able to “train” your brain and keep cognitive decline at bay even up to 10 years later. Am not talking about irrelevant thinking and excessive thinking on problems, that's the down dive to looking younger and a very fast drift to looking older than your age.

Keep fit and young with puzzles, Sudoku, learning new languages or skills, or playing an instrument – whatever gets your brain going.

9. Adopt a Good Skin Care Regimen

Yes, we are there, at the point which most of us only know about. We are made to think this is all there is to looking younger this days. well, I won't deny is part of it anyway.

Start your daily skin care routine with a gently exfoliating cleanser. Apply a moisturizer to hydrate the skin, allowing it to stay firm and elastic and reducing the appearance of wrinkles. Ingredients like green-tea extract, vitamins A, C & E, and hyaluronic acid help protect against free-radicals, increase collagen, and retain moisture. If you don't have a skin care routine, it's part of the reasons your skin keeps swearing on you. Your skin needs the love and attention to be healthy and young, and you can give it that by a good skin care routine. Start from the affordable and homeremedies, they go a long way!.

10. You Don't Take It Easy

Staying young means stressing less. Set aside a small chunk of time every day, about 10-20 minutes, to relax, meditate, or just breathe deeply, while letting worries melt away and helping yourself look younger naturally.

A long list of studies have found that stress including conditions such as untreated depression, social isolation, and anxiety can speed up cellular aging; stress shortens essential DNA components called telomeres which are linked to overall health, lifespan, and individual aging rate, and when they become too short, cells can no longer reproduce, causing tissues to degenerate, get old and die.

Conclusively, don't go hyper trying to look young, don't loose YOU trying to look young. Slow, Smart and Steady is all that's required to stop looking older than your age and looking ever, ever, young.

Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Stunning Dinner wears,

Stunning Dinner wears that would make you stand out
Dinner wears are mostly gowns and are worn to evening/ dinner parties or dates.  We've got beautiful and well structures styles for you.  We select fabrics that are friendly to the skin.  The colors are beautiful and will make you stand out at any event you go.  Call us on 07068558138.

Monday, 17 February 2020

Ladies, You Are Ageing Faster Because You Are Doing These 15 Things.

Researchers believe the higher collagen, we, as women have, makes us age more rapidly than men, and it has been insinuated that women appear 15 years older than men of the same age.

Ageing is indeed an inevitable natural phenomenon, guaranteed to happen if we live long enough or not. Ageing rapidly however, is lifestyle induced. I am an advocate of ageing gracefully.

Ageing well does not just have to do with genetics, certain choices and habits will influence how your body ages. 

The aforementioned 15 choices are as follows:
1. Ghana Braids: Not limited to Ghana braids alone, but any hairstyle that puts pressure on the edges of the hair. It is rather disheartening to see how much money we spend to wreck havoc on our hair, leaving it a complete mess as we grow older. There is nothing wrong with taking a break to grow and protect your natural hair.

2. Make up: The chemical-laden make up we mask our faces with, causes wrinkling over time. Invest more in organic skin care products that makes the skin glow as opposed to heavy make up artillery.

3. Consumption of Beer: Sometimes I wonder why women indulge in excessive consumption of beer, it is harmful to the body, damaging the skin and internal organs as a consequence. Abuse of alcohol is the harbinger for bulgy stomach for a woman. Let it go.

4. Excessive Exposure to Sun: The first and most common type [of skin wrinkling] is from chronic sun damage,"
5. Meat: It is understandable how enticing beef can be, when prepared into mouth watering delicacies. Consuming it in excess causes rapid ageing. It is advisable to introduce other healthier option like fishes, eggs, chicken, which again should be consumed in moderation.

6. Sitting for Long hours: Sitting for too long creates problem for your body which often times show up as back and leg ache as we grow older. If you work a job where you are required to sit for long hours, ensure you find time to stretch your body by either taking a walk or running up and down the stairs.

7. Sweet Tooth: As addictive as sweets can be, you have to let them go, because your sweet tooth will become fallen teeth as you grow older.

8. Lack of Exercise: Exercise is essential to the body, there is no excuse that help fix this. There is an exercise routine that suits every body type. 

Get a good instructor and work your way to being active and engaging your muscles. If your work schedule does not allow you exercise everyday, use the weekend well in lieu..

9. Bread: Ladies, completely avoid eating bread as well as other form of pastries. If you must, moderation is advised e.g. once in 2 months. It is a major cause of protruding belly for women.

10. Not Sleeping Enough: This cannot be overemphasised. Sleep and rest as much as you can. Go on vacations. Some times, just find a place far from your norm and revel in idleness..

11. Not Eating Fish: Ladies, eat a lot of fish. The health benefit for us is astounding.

12. Constant Stress: If you are always surrounded by activities and people who cause you stress, you're not just ageing faster, you're also dying slowly. Stay away from stress as much as you can.

13. Always taking Coffee. 

14. Smoking. 

15. Eating a lot of Fried Food. 
Even the degradation of your mental acuity can be affected by these choices. If you desire to stay agile and fit at your old age, start now and make a conscious effort to introduce healthier habits and do away with harmful ones. Health is wealth most of us acclaim, but how much do you have in your 'health-bank'?

Sunday, 16 February 2020

Vaseline and Egg yolk (Home remedy that will make you look younger within a week)

Apply this on your skin with the help of brush and leave this for it to dry, then rinse it off with lukewarm water.

Vaseline jelly has a thick texture that is beneficial for the skin because it provides a barrier between the skin and the elements without damaging their health or appearances of the skin.

Egg yolk contains astringent properties which help to shrink the skin and it also reduces the sagginess
from the skin.

Ingredients you will need
1 teaspoon of Vaseline petroleum jelly
1 egg yolk (the yellow part)
Firstly in a clean glass bowl take 1 teaspoon of Vaseline petroleum jelly and 1 egg yolk (the yellow part).

Mix them really well so that the Vaseline completely dissolves in the egg yolk. And your magical treatment is now ready for use.
Repeat this procedure for at least 2 times in a week.

It helps to tighten the open and large pores and thereby giving you perfect smooth skin.

apply this day and night for a week and you will come back and thank me...
pls don't forget to share to others to see

8 Natural Ways to Make Your Teeth Whiter at Home

We spend more than $ 3 billion whitening our teeth. These procedures are quite expensive and have to be repeated again and again. But we forget that our houses are full of products that can help us have a Hollywood smile.
1. Ginger and salt
What you need: ginger, salt, and lemon
How to use: Grind a small piece of ginger , this can be done with a grater. Take 1/4 teaspoon of salt and add it to the ginger. Cut a slice of lemon, squeeze the juice into the mixture, and mix well again. Apply it with a toothbrush.
2. Kaolin clay
What you need: kaolin clay
How to use: Just apply the kaolin clay on your teeth and brush them well with a toothbrush. Don’t use much pressure, do it gently. Then rinse your mouth with clean water.
3. Epsom salt
What you need: Epsom salt, water
How to use: Mix salt and water in equal parts. Stir until the salt is completely dissolved. Apply the mixture to your teeth with a toothbrush. You can also gargle with it and then rinse your mouth with clean water.
4. Neem leaves
What you need: neem leaves, water
How to use: Bring the neem leaves in a pot of water to boil. Strain it so that the liquid is clean. Let it cool and gargle with the resulting solution.
5. Peppermint leaves and coconut oil
What you need: peppermint leaves, coconut oil
How to use: Grind the leaves and add them to the coconut oil . Mix well and apply the mixture to your teeth with a toothbrush. Do not use much peppermint, 3-5 leaves is more than enough.
6. Hydrogen peroxide and baking soda
What you need: hydrogen peroxide, baking soda
How to use: Mix baking soda with hydrogen peroxide in ratio of 1:2. Stir until a paste forms. Gently brush your teeth with this mixture and then rinse your mouth with a large amount of water.
7. Cocoa powder
What you need: cocoa powder and water or coconut oil.
How to use: Mix the cocoa powder with the coconut oil or water. Stir them into a paste. Brush your teeth as usual with this mixture.
8. Vinegar and baking soda
What you need: baking soda, apple cider vinegar
How to use: Mix 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar with 1 teaspoon of baking soda. Stir them until they form a homogeneous mixture. Brush your teeth with the resulting paste and rinse your mouth with plenty of water.

Please, note that all these remedies should be used carefully. Use these methods 2-3 times a week for several weeks and take breaks. If you start feeling pain or the sensitivity of your teeth increases, immediately stop the procedure.

Which other ways of whitening teeth do you know about? Do you prefer to whiten your teeth at home or at the dentist’s office? Tell us in the comments.

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