For humans and some animals, recreational intercourse can be fun. Even procreative intercourse among primates and some mammals is thought to provide pleasure for the participants.
But for some animal species, it can be a life or death affair. Imagine being killed because you showed a desire for, or immediately after intercourse with the opposite sex.
While this is a rare behaviour among humans, it is a lifestyle for some animals.
According to Wikipedia, this behaviour is believed to have developed as a manifestation of sexual conflict occurring when the reproductive interests of the male and female differ.
Another reason animals kill each other after sex is because their distinction between hungry and flirty is blurred.
The act of killing before, during and after intercourse is called sexual cannibalism.
Here are female animals and insects you probably didn’t know kill their male counterpart during or after intercourse:
Drone Bees
Drone bees are the male bees in a bee colony. In bee colonies, there are three types of bees: a queen bee, worker bees which are females, and drone bees which are males.
While these worker bees fly from flower to flower collecting pollen and returning home to the hive to make honey, the drone bees do not participate in collecting of nectar or pollen and they do not even sting. Their only interest is to mate with a receptive queen.
Drone bees are sometimes driven out of the colony by worker bees. This is to ensure that there is enough food for the queen, the workers and the bee larvae, or babies.
Drone bees’ only job is to mate with the queen so that she can lay eggs for future bees. Even when their job seems pretty much easy, the life of a drone bee is very difficult and short.
They do not live for more than 90 days. They automatically die when they mate with the queen bee. They mate with the queen while flying. If a drone bee succeeds in mating with the queen, the first thing that happens is that all of the drone’s blood in its body will rush to its endophallus and causes it lose control over its entire body.
What happens next is that its body will fall away, leaving a portion of his endophallus attached to the queen which helps guide the next drone in the queen.
Also, a queen mating yard must have many drones to be successful. Drone bees have bigger bodies than worker bees, but are usually smaller than the queen.
Black widow spider
This specie of spiders is notorious. The scientific name is Latrodectus and it is carnivorous with an average life span of 1 to 3 years. The male counterparts typically live for 1 to 2 months.
According to National Geographic website, its venom is reported to be 15 times stronger than that of rattlesnake’s. When it bites a human, it produces muscle aches and nausea. It also paralyses the diaphragm and makes breathing difficult.
While its bites can cause no serious damage, let alone death , it can be fatal usually to small children, elderly, or the infirm. Fortunately, fatalities are fairly rare. The spiders are nonaggressive and bite only in self-defense especially when someone accidentally sits on them.
The spiders, which are typically dark brown or shiny black in colour, have a red hourglass on their abdomen.
In mating ritual, these female black widow spiders devour and eat their male counterparts after mating in a macabre behaviour which explains the males’ short lifespans and also what gave the insect the name Black widow.
Praying Mantis
Praying Mantis has saw like arms and alien eyes and they do not pose any threat unless it happens to be a gecko, insect, or hummingbird.
The females are frequently larger than males. Praying mantis courtship can be a dangerous affair. Females have been well documented biting off the heads and eating other body parts of the males that they mate with for nourishment.
Although, not all the praying mantis species cannibalise their mates, if the female is starving or if the male irritates her, she might engage in that behaviour.
A study published in 2016 found that female praying mantis species that exhibit cannibalism of their mates make a meal out of the males between 13 and 28 percent of the time.
They acquire amino acids that are then incorporated into the eggs they lay. Making them lay twice as many eggs after cannibalizing a male.
The Bachelor Midge
Midge is any small fly, including species in several families of non-mosquito.
The male Bachelor Midge suffers during copulation. During mating, the female sucks the blood from the male, causing its genital to break off inside the female. All for evolutionary benefit, because it prevents other males from impregnating the female. Ideally, the male sacrifice guarantees its offspring.
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