GOD is supreme and has established immutable laws to rule the earth. One such law guides night and day. Another law governs the relationship of a man and a woman; if a healthy man meets with a healthy woman under the right condition, at the right time, ceteris paribus,pregnancy results.
This positive law of GOD is a source of worry for most married couples. Typically, every couple needs to space their children and also stop after a specific number. If there is no way around the law of GOD that guides pregnancy, it means that couples can only enjoy sexual intimacy for the sake of procreation.
The aim of GOD for in marriage is beyond the idea of procreation. It exists for the companionship and intimacy of the married couple. In his ingenuity, man has searched for and found diverse ways to make couples enjoy intercourse, whether for the fun of it or for the sake of procreation.
Most of the solutions have scientific backing, and they are used to alter the natural circle of the woman. Some religious organizations frown at the use of chemical-based hormone altering family planning methods. Couples who practice such religion have to evolve ways to space their children, thereby achieving the goals of family planning without subjecting themselves to the use of drugs.
This piece will attempt to chronicle some natural ways of avoiding pregnancy.To safely use these methods, you and your husband have to be on the same page to study your body to understand the naturally occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of your menstrual cycle.
1. The calendar method.
The calendar is one of the perfect creation of the Almighty GOD. The calendar represents the cycle of life that GOD has set in motion. It is immutable, as no power can ever alter this cycle. The night turns to day, and the day turns to night. Man has captured the perfect cycle in making the clock. Tik Tok , ticks the clock in a cycle, forever.
GOD programmed the woman's body with a clock that regulates her reproductive cycle. This way GOD left the woman with some latitude to decide when or not to have children. The calendar regulates the woman's menstrual cycle. For many women, the menstrual cycle is fairly regular; as such, they can calculate their fertility and safe periods. Women menstural cycle is a perfect natural family planning method that is advisable only for women with a regular cycle lasting 26 to 32 days. If you have an irregular cycle, then this method may not work for you. This method requires close monitoring of your menstrual cycle, particularly the first day of bleeding. It will help prevent pregnancy by determining the fertile and infertile days.
From day 1 of your period to day seven, as well as day 20 till the first day of the next menstrual period, are considered safe periods. Usually, the pregnancy rate is rare within this period, and many couples have successfully utilized this method of natural birth control. From day 8 to day 19, the chance of pregnancy is high. In keeping your calendar, mark the 1st day of your period down till the 7th day and use that period to groove all you want with your husband. Staying action from day 8 to day 19 will keep you safe or pregnant if that is what you want. Resume the bedroom rendezvous from 20th till day one, and you will be safe.
2. The basal body temperature method .
Basal Body Temperature (BBT) is the temperature of the body at rest. BBT natural fertility method monitors the lowest body temperature at rest. The theory behind this method is that a woman's body temperature would drop to its lowest before ovulation and increase once the process ends.
Therefore, to avoid pregnancy, women should not have intercourse the day her body temperature dips till five days after the temperature rises again. The drop would be minimal, usually less than 1-degree F, so it is vital to use a special thermometer that is highly accurate and sensitive to track the BBT at a specific time every morning when you wake up. Record your body temperature in a chart and monitor it.
3. The Cervical Mucus Method.
The cervical mucus method is another perfect choice as this will help determine the fertile days and the infertile days for intercourse. You can check the cervical mucus by touching the opening of your vagina with the use of a tissue or your two fingers. If the mucus is slippery, stretchy, and clear white, you are fertile, but if the cervical mucus is sticky, it means that you just finished your menstrual cycle, and you are safe to have intercourse. Besides, if the cervical mucus is sticky and gluey, not stretchable, then you are not yet ready to ovulate, and you are not yet fertile. You can safely have sexual activity during this time.Checking cervical mucus after intercourse is not right. Also, keep in mind that some medications affect the appearance and characteristics of the cervical mucus.
4. Lactational Amenorrhea Method .
Breastfeeding is an effective contraceptive method six months after giving birth. Usually, menstruation will not return within the first six months after delivery, provided that you feed your baby every 4 hours during the day and every 6 hours during the night. The lactational amenorrhea method is known to be 98% effective but it is not a safe method if the baby is on mixed feeding and when the baby is over six months old.The hormone responsible for breast milk formation is also responsible for fertility.The hormone has no ability to multitasking, so once it is actively producing milk for the baby, it is unable to answer the fertility call in the mother's body.
5. Withdrawal method.
The withdrawal method can be safely used by a couple who have both the discipline and good body coordination. It is one of the methods of natural family planning least recommended because studies have shown that the method is not 100% guaranteed to prevent pregnancy.
In the withdrawal method, during sexual intercourse, the man withdraws just before ejaculating. The disadvantage of this method is the possibility of pre-ejaculatory sperm that could have entered inside the woman before the he pulled out.
6. Abstinence is another method.
Semen must enter inside the woman before she can get pregnant. To avoid pregnancy naturally through abstinence means that you must not allow your husband to penetrate you at all. The couple must, therefore, find other means of deriving mutual sexual satisfaction. Avoid everything outside the normal. It is very difficult for most people to practice, especially those whose sexual drive is high.
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