The male folks are not very complicated in choosing who they want to spend the rest of their lives with, but there are some salient factors they lookout in a woman they want to get married to, which a lot of people call ‘wife material’. It can be surprising that a man can date a lady for years and never pop out the question ‘will you marry me? And sometimes two people can be together for a couple of months and the guy is ready to pop out the question because he has seen a wife in her.
Some men, however, are difficult pleased because of their antique and dogmatic beliefs about what a wife should be or what a wife material should be, but a real man who knows and understand that a woman is equal to him and believes marriage is about love and companionship his who you can describe as a real man.
Also note that there is no universal appraisal that can authentically explain what a man looks for in a woman but there are some denominating factor every real man wants in a woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with.
Qualities a man wants in a woman
1 Respect: it is the singular most attractive nature that draws any man to a woman, a woman who knows how to make the man feel respected can always have her way around him, when you hear she has his mumu button, it is because the lady has given him the medicine that caresses his ego ‘respect’ as a lady wants undivided attention and love, a man needs respect and support. So respect him, be his number one cheerleader and support him he would be drawn to you and see the quality of a wife in you.
2 Neatness : it might look trivial but this are unsaid things a man look out for in a woman before he pops the question, he tries to observe if you are neat hygienically and other areas of your life because he believes the home will be beautiful If the lady has a sense of neatness and organization. The quality of being a neat lady is also an attractive and classy one, from the way you carry yourself, to the clothes you wear, your hygiene and self-organization will also reflect in your closet and ultimately your home.
3 Career driven : gone are the days were women were passive individuals in the society, now ladies are captains of industries, successful entrepreneurs, executives and are bubbling with a good career, a real man is driven to women who have something going on for her life, plus no man wants to marry a liability as no woman wants to marry a broke man. A career-driven woman is confident, independent and she knows what she wants out of her life, to top the self-oriented drive as a woman of purpose and also have a submissive nature for your man, you have created one of the greatest quality of being a wife material.
4 Family-oriented : one of the major factors of being a great mother is to be a caregiver especially to your kids and if he doesn’t see this in you he might not find you as someone he wants to get married to, a woman must be able to balance her life and never let the family suffer, it is more difficult if you are a career-driven woman but don’t put this to the detriment of your family, when he sees that you care about family, friends and you are generally a caregiver he sees you in the future with him.
5 She holds similar values: in this case, it explains compatibility, if you guys don’t hold similar beliefs about many issues then it will be naturally difficult to even have an agreement and not have a fuss over it, so forcing this relationship is dangerous because you both will have to argue a lot and if you want to make it work, you both will have to compromise a lot to make it work. So compatibility is also a quality he looks for in a woman
6 Support system : as many ladies want a man who can complete them, it is also the same for men, they want a lady that can be supportive and believes in him, those little inspiring words like, I believe in you, you got this, God got you and so on helps a man have a sense of trust in you which is a fantastic quality he wants in his woman.
7 Trust : this is the most important quality to him, he must trust you enough to ask you to be his wife, if he sees that you are shady and he cannot trust you because of past precedent and you’ve made him lose the trust he has for you, he might never pop the question, because a man must know he is taking a vow and wants to spend the rest of his life with you. All he needs his your love, trust and support system
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