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Monday, 18 November 2019

Eight Things Women Love Most In a Relationship

Most women are known to be queens of love when it comes to relationships. There are most of them who when they say “yes I do”, they mean it. There are different things that women want most in relationships. They are like a “must do” things for them to be sincere in their relationships. Below are eight things that women want most in a relationship;
1. Love
Love is what makes two people live together. It’s a virtue that that's what most women want most in a relationship.  Having a man who is always ready to show you more love and how he cares about you and the relationship. To them, a man of that kind is a blessing and they don’t let it go that easily as a chance in life comes once.
2. Strength
Most women love appreciating men’s strength. It's one of the ways they understand your true love. A gentle strength simply means that you will be always there to validate what she experiences and motivates her in any way possible. Your strength will also let her know that you will be there for her at the good and her bad times.
3. Attention
Lots of women love more attention when it comes to sensitive things. Something small to them is what they treasure most. It's better you “kill” some of them and give what they want than denying them there needs. You will never find them cheat on their relationships since they know how to handle their men and love.
4. Vulnerability
This is something we try to hide and run away from. While women don’t necessarily want us to wear our emotions on our sleeves, they do want us to share what’s bothering us. If we’re feeling stressed or upset about something, they appreciate hearing from us. It shows them that we trust them enough to share our emotions. It may be hard for you to do because you’ve not practiced being vulnerable, but the more you open up, the more appreciative the woman in your life will be.
5. Humor
Life’s too serious already. Women want to laugh. Humor is a great way to reduce tension. If you’re a funny guy, play up the humor in your relationship. If you’re not the humorous type, work on finding what you find funny and share that with your partner. Laughter, more than love, is the shortest distance between two hearts.
6. Appreciation
So much of what both people do in a relationship goes unnoticed. Couples are quick to pounce on each other with complaints and disagreements but hardly share what they value about their partner. Women usually juggle many things at once and are often taken for granted. Letting her know that you appreciate what she’s doing or that you’re noticing her many sacrifices will help her feel valued and cared for.
7. Affection
Women like the small things, the thoughtful gestures that show them that we're thinking about them. This could be an unexpected text, doing something for someone that’s important to them, picking up their favorite food or running an errand without being asked. It also means a gift for no reason, a greeting card telling her how you feel about her, a love note on the mirror, or a simple lunch date during the workweek.
8. Money
Without mentioning this, it's not complete yet. We all know most of the women we have today love money. As a guy if you want your relationship with your lover be a success, you have to have money (even if it's not much), cause sooner or later you'll lose your respect to the woman when she ask for this, ask for that and you can't afford it.

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