Your twenties refers to the prime of your life. You are most likely fresh out of the university at this point so you are trying to get your act together. You must remember that the foundation you lay at this point will determine how your life turns out the end.
Being a woman does not mean you have to depend on your husband for money and this is how to ensure you do not.
1. Be career-oriented
In Nigeria, it is easy to assume that the next step at that point in your life is marriage. It’s good but that doesn’t mean you should throw ambition out the window. Have an active, passionate mind and you will see that money-making opportunities will present themselves.
2. Budget
This can never be overemphasized. Estimate your expenses and income then try and create a balance between the two. Make room for contingencies as well.
3. Save actively
Discipline yourself enough to set aside some amount of money monthly. If that is too huge an undertaking, it may be a stipend that you save every week. You would be shocked at how much you amass over time.
4. Have a life plan
I don’t mean some whimsical idea of what you want your life to look like. Be deliberate about it and strategically plan your life, down to retirement. Being in your twenties is not too early for that. A life plan will guide your lifestyle and your lifestyle determines your money choices.
5. Be your own person
It is easy at this point to feel that you are young, have your whole life ahead of you and so you should go with the flow. But remember that foundations matter. Don’t try to do what everyone else does. Follow every trend or buy stuff so you can fit it. Have fun but be responsible for it.
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